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OAH 88 PROTECTI VE O RDER SEALI NG CONFIDENTIAL RECO RDS ( Rev.0 7/13) OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS State of California PROTECTIVE ORDER SEALING CONFIDENTIAL RECORDS (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 1, � 1030) CASE TITLE NAME OF AGENCY OAH CASE NO. AGENCY CASE NO. AGENCY ATTORNEY/REPRESENTATIVE RESPONDENT/APPELLANT/PETITIONER RESPONDENT ATTORNEY/REPRESENTATIVE FINDINGS: Motion to seal records made by (moving party) . Motion was unopposed. OAH Administrative Law Judge's Motion was opposed by (name) . own motion, on (date) The administrative record, including the EXHIBITS TRANSCRIPTS RECORDINGS OTHER DOCUMENTS FILED WITH OAH personal financial information; investigative in this matter contain confidential personal information including records; names of minor(s); medical information/records; alleged crime victim(s)/complaining witness(es); other (describe) This information is protected from disclosure to the public. Redaction of portions of the documents to delete this information is not practicable or will not provide adequate privacy protection. To protect privacy and confidential personal information from inappropriate disclosure, and good cause appearing, the following ORDERS are issued. PROTECTIVE SEALING ORDERS: ORDERS REGARDING DOCUMENTS: THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS AND RECORDS IN THIS MATTER ARE HEREBY SEALED AND ORDERED TO BE PROTECTED FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE WITHOUT FURTHER ORDER: EXHIBITS NUMBERED (indicate Exhibit page numbers) ; ALL EXHIBITS WITNESS NAMES ON CONFIDENTIAL NAMES LIST OTHER DOCUMENTS FILED WITH OAH (Specify) TRANSCRIPTS RECORDINGS ORDERS REGARDING TRANSCRIPTS/RECORDINGS: NO PERSON SHALL RELEASE A TRANSCRIPT OR RECORDING OF THIS MATTER CONTAINING CONFIDENTIAL WITNESS NAMES OR OTHER IDENTIFYING INFORMATION TO THE PUBLIC. EVERY COURT REPORTER OR TRANSCRIBER IS HEREBY ORDERED TO REFER TO INDIVIDUALS WHOSE NAMES APPEAR ON THE CONFIDENTIAL NAMES LIST BY THE PERSON'S INITIALS OR AN ASSIGNED NUMBER ONLY. ANY CONFIDENTIAL NAMES LIST IS SEALED AND SUBJECT TO THIS ORDER. ADDITIONAL TERMS OF THIS ORDER SET FORTH IN ATTACHMENT. All documents subject to this order shall be marked as an exhibit, made part of the administrative record, sealed and shall not be released without further order. Documents subject to this order will be placed in a sealed envelope with a copy of this order attached to the outside. A copy of this order will be placed in the OAH file and the OAH case management system and given to each party and court reporter. This order governs the release of documents to the public. A reviewing court, parties to this matter, their attorneys, and a government agency decision maker or designee under Government Code section 11517 may review the documents subject to this order provided that such documents are protected from release to the public. A COPY OF THIS ORDER HAS BEEN GIVEN TO ALL PARTIES ON THE RECORD. DATED: PROOF OF SERVICE OF THIS ORDER IS ATTACHED. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE (Print Name and Sign): PROTECTIVE ORDER SEALING CONFIDENTIAL RECORDS American LegalNet, Inc.