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State of California · Department of General Services OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS Sacramento Los Angeles Oakland San Diego 2349 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 200 320 W. Fourth Street, 6th Floor, Suite 630 1515 Clay Street, Suite 206 1350 Front Street, Rm. 3005 Sacramento, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego, CA 95833 CA 90013 CA 94612 CA 92101 (916) 263-0550 (213) 576-7200 (510) 622-2722 (619) 525-4475 (916) 263-0554 fax (213) 576-7244 fax (510) 622-2743 fax (619) 525-4419 fax OAH-5 Transcript Estimate Request [Rev 08/12] Instructions: Complete this form, sign it, and either mail, hand deliver, or send by FAX to the attention of the TRANSCRIPT COORDINATOR at the appropriate regional OAH office (listed above). An "OAH-33 Transcript Cost Estimate" will be sent to you based on the information you provide below. Transcripts will not be released until FULL PAYMENT is received. REQUESTOR'S NAME MAILING ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP PHONE NUMBER CASE NAME: AGENCY: TYPE OF REQUEST: FULL TRANSCRIPT FACSIMILE NUMBER OAH #: AGENCY #: PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT ASCII DISK CONDENSED TRANSCRIPT Number of copies requested ______ LIST ALL HEARING DATES REQUESTED. IF PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT IS REQUESTED, PLEASE DESIGNATE BY DATE, TIME (e.g., morning only) OR BY WITNESS (e.g., testimony of Dr. Smith) : Regular Processing Rate (21-25 days preparation) Expedited Rates: 2 - 7 days preparation 8 - 14 days preparation 15 - 20 days preparation If Expedited, date transcript needed by: ______________________ ADDITIONAL COSTS APPLY FOR A COPY OF HEARING EXHIBITS OR FILE DOCUMENTS. THOSE ITEMS ARE NOT A PART OF THE TRANSCRIPT: OTHER [e.g. PRETRIAL MOTION, ORDERS OR COPY OF TAPE] EXHIBIT(S) - # of hard copies requested ___________ Electronic copy of Administrative Record & Exhibits List item(s) requested: IF YOUR HEARING WAS A FORMAL HEARING UNDER THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE ACT, YOUR REQUEST CAN BE PROCESSED: YOU MUST CHECK ONE OF THE TWO BOXES BELOW BEFORE * Please attach a copy of the cover page of the petition as filed with the superior court MUST include the Superior Court case number and the Court's official "date filed" stamp). (which I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION SHOWN ABOVE IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION WILL BE USED IN DEVELOPING THE ESTIMATED COST. TRANSCRIPT IS NOT FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW *TRANSCRIPT IS FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW AS OUTLINED IN GOVERNMENT CODE Sections 11523 & 69950 SIGNATURE OF REQUESTING PARTY DATE American LegalNet, Inc.