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Application For Issuance Of Certificate Of Registration As Law Corporation Form. This is a California form and can be use in State Bar Statewide.
Tags: Application For Issuance Of Certificate Of Registration As Law Corporation, California Statewide, State Bar
THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA LAW CORPORATIONS 180 Howard Street � San Francisco, CA 94105-1617 (888) 800-3400 � FOR OFFICIAL STATE BAR USE ONLY # ________ $200 / Check Number _________ No Check Initials: Application for Issuance of a Certificate of Registration as a Law Corporation 1) CORPORATE INFORMATION Name of Law Corporation including Corporate Designation: Contact Name: Address Line 1: Address Line 2: City: E-mail: 2) ATTACHMENTS Complete and Attach the following: Application #: State: Zip: Phone: + Attachment A: Listing all shareholders, officers, directors and all other attorneys practicing law on behalf of the corporation, including all individuals/entities practicing in partnership, association, "of counsel", part-time or on a contract basis. Attachment B: Declaration of Compliance with Rule 1-400, Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of California. Attachment C: Attachment C-1: the Standard Law Corporation Guarantee Secretary of State Certification: California Law Corporation: Attach an ORIGINAL certified copy of the law corporation's Articles of Incorporation Attachment C-2: the Standard Law Corporation Guarantee for Law Corporations Practicing in Partnership with Other Law Corporations Out of State Law Corporation: Attach BOTH an ORIGINAL certified copy of Statement of Designation by Foreign Corporation AND an ORIGINAL Certificate of Status of Foreign Corporation OR OR Bylaws Excerpts: Please refer to the Law Corporation Rules of the State Bar amended January 1994. Use the exact language from Rule 3.157, paragraphs A � F, in the portions of your bylaws that pertain to ownership and transfer of shares in the corporation. Attach only the portions of the law corporation's bylaws which contain this language. Do not submit your entire set of bylaws. Secretary's Certification of Bylaws Excerpts: Certifying that the excerpts attached are a true and correct copy of excerpts from the bylaws of the corporation. Signature of the corporate secretary must be original. Specimen Share certificate: Photocopy of both sides, containing the legend required by State Bar Law Corporation Rule 3.157. Payment: A $200 non-refundable fee must accompany this Application. Make checks payable to: The State Bar of California. 3) DECLARATION I am of (Name of Officer) (Complete Name of Corporation) , (Title of Officer) and as such make this declaration for and on behalf of said corporation. I have read the foregoing and all attachments thereto and know the contents thereof and the same are true of my own knowledge. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing application and all attachments are true and correct and that the applicant is an existing corporation and its organization, bylaws, Articles of Incorporation and general plan of operation are such that its affairs will be conducted in compliance with the State Bar Act, and the applicable provisions of the Corporations Code, The Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar, the Law Corporation Rules of the State Bar and such other laws, rule and regulations as may be applicable. Executed On: Print Name: 4) SUBMISSION INFORMATION Signature: Submit completed application with all attachments and payment to: The State Bar of California Law Corporations 180 Howard Street San Francisco, CA 94105-1617 LC101-08.11