Attachment 1 Certificate Of Registration Support Application
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Attachment 1 Certificate Of Registration Support Application Form. This is a California form and can be use in State Bar Statewide.
Tags: Attachment 1 Certificate Of Registration Support Application, California Statewide, State Bar
FOR OFFICIAL STATE BAR USE ONLY THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP 180 Howard Street � San Francisco, CA 94105-1617 (888) 800-3400 � Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) � Attachment 1 List of Partners Complete Name of LLP: 1) Attorney Partners A) Attorney Partners Application #: NOTE: If an attorney is a shareholder in a Law Corporation (see number 2 below), do not list the shareholder as an individual partner below unless the shareholder and the law corporation are separate partners in this LLP. Print/Type Partner Name Attorney License or Member Number Jurisdiction(s) in which admitted to practice Check here if additional sheets are attached. Attach additional sheets labeled "Att1: Attorney Partners" as necessary. B) Are any of the above-listed attorney partners: Shareholders in a California law corporation that is not a partner in the applicant LLP? Partners in another LLP? Yes Yes No No C) If you checked "Yes" for either question in Part B, complete this section. In the third column, indicate which type of law practice relationship with the Applicant applies: C for "of counsel"; P for "in partnership"; A for "in association"; or N for "no law practice relationship". Name of Law Corporation or LLP CA State Bar Reg. # Law Practice Relationship "C", "P", "A", or "N" Check here if additional sheets are attached. Attach additional sheets labeled "Att1: Attorneys in Law Corp" as necessary. 2) Law Corporation Partners Attorney Partners NOTE: If a law corporation is listed as a partner below, do not list individual attorneys who are part of that corporation as partners in Part 1A unless both the shareholder AND the corporation are partners in this LLP. Name of Law Corporation CA State Bar Reg # (if applicable) State of Incorporation Check here if additional sheets are attached. Attach additional sheets labeled "Att1: Law Corp Partners" as necessary. LLPApp0911-att1 American LegalNet, Inc.