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DC Bar Pro Bono Center (revised 10/2016) Complaint for Annulment of Marriage (Consent Answer) Page 1 of 2 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FAMILY COURT Domestic Relations Branch P RINT Y OUR S POUSE 222 S N AME S TREET A DDRESS DRB C ITY , S TATE AND Z IP C ODE R ELATED C ASES : PLAINTIFF, v. P RINT Y OUR N AME S TREET A DDRESS C ITY , S TATE AND Z IP C ODE SUBSTITUTE ADDRESS: CHECK BOX IF YOU H AVE WRITTEN SOMEONE ELSE222S ADDRESS BECAUSE Y OU FEAR HARASSMENT OR HARM. DEFENDANT. CONSENT ANSWER TO COMPLAINT FOR ANNULMENT OF MARRIAGE I, , am the Defendant in this case and state that PRINT YOUR NAME 1. I AGREE WITH ALL OF THE STATEMENTS my spouse made regarding our marriage, marital property, alimony, custody, and child support in Plaintiff222s Complaint for Annulment of Marriage and any Attachments filed with that Complaint. 2. I also state that THERE ARE NO CONTESTED ISSUES for this Court to decide. 3. I am requesting that the Court set this matter for an uncontested annulment hearing. 4. I changed my name when I married my spouse and I now wish to return to my birth name or another legal name I used before my marriage. I have no illegal or fraudulent reason for making this request. The former name I want restored is American LegalNet, Inc. DC Bar Pro Bono Center (revised 10/2016) Complaint for Annulment of Marriage (Consent Answer) Page 2 of 2 PRINT NAME YOU WOULD LIKE THE COURT TO RESTORE Request for Relief I RESPECTFULLY REQUEST that the Court: [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY] Grant Plaintiff222s Complaint for Annulment of Marriage. Restore me to my former name. I ALSO REQUEST that the Court award any other relief it considers fair and proper. [CHECK ONE] I do not know of any proceedings in the District of Columbia or in any state or territory involving the same claim or subject matter as this case. I do know of proceedings in the District of Columbia or in any state or territory involving the same claim or subject matter as this case, as listed on the first page of this Complaint (223Related Cases224). I solemnly swear or affirm under criminal penalties for the making of a false statement that I have read the foregoing Consent Answer to Complaint for Annulment of Marriage and that the factual statements made in it are true to the best of my personal knowledge, information and belief. Respectfully Submitted, S IGN Y OUR N AME D ATE ( mm/dd/yyyy ) S TREET A DDRESS C ITY , S TATE AND Z IP C ODE T ELEPHONE N UMBER E MAIL ADDRESS SUBSTITUTE ADDRESS: CHECK BOX IF YOU HAVE W RITTEN SOMEONE ELSE222S ADDRESS BECAUSE YOU FEAR H ARASSMENT OR H ARM . American LegalNet, Inc.