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SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FAMILY COURT Domestic Relations Branch PRINT YOUR SPOUSE'S NAME STREET ADDRESS _______DRB ___________ RELATED CASES: PLAINTIFF, CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE v. PRINT YOUR NAME STREET ADDRESS CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE SUBSTITUTE ADDRESS: CHECK BOX IF YOU HAVE WRITTEN SOMEONE ELSE'S ADDRESS BECAUSE YOU FEAR HARASSMENT OR HARM. DEFENDANT. CONTESTED ANSWER TO COMPLAINT FOR LEGAL SEPARATION AND COUNTERCLAIM I, PRINT YOUR NAME , am the Defendant in this case. 1. With regard to this Court's authority to decide my spouse's request for legal separation and related issues, I answer and state that [CHECK ONE] I agree with my spouse's statement that this Court has the authority to decide my spouse's request for legal separation and related issues. I disagree with my spouse's statement that this Court has the authority to decide my spouse's request for legal separation and related issues. DC Bar Pro Bono Center (revised 10/2016) Complaint for Legal Separation (Contested Answer and Counterclaim) Page 1 of 8 American LegalNet, Inc. 2. With regard to my marriage to my spouse, I answer and state that [CHECK ONE] I agree with my spouse's statement about how, when and where we were married. I disagree with my spouse's statement about how, when and where we were married. 3. With regard to my separation from my spouse, I answer and state that [CHECK ONE] I agree with my spouse's statement about when we separated. I disagree with my spouse's statement about when we separated. 4. With regard to my spouse's married name, I answer and state that [CHECK ONE] I agree with my spouse's statement about his or her name change. I disagree with my spouse's statement about his or her name change. I further state that I changed my name when I married my spouse and I now wish to return to my birth name or another legal name I used before my marriage. I have no illegal or fraudulent reason for making this request. The former name I want restored is: PRINT NAME YOU WOULD LIKE THE COURT TO RESTORE Marital Property & Marital Debt 5. With regard to property from my marriage, I answer and state that [CHECK ONE] I agree with my spouse's statement about marital property, and I agree with all of my spouse's statements on Attachment A. I disagree with my spouse's statement about marital property and further state that I have completed and attached the additional information required on Attachment A, which I incorporate into this Answer and Counterclaim. 6. With regard to debt from my marriage, I answer and state that [CHECK ONE] I agree with my spouse's statement that we have marital debt that we are asking the Court to assign, and I agree with all of my spouse's statements on Attachment A. I disagree with my spouse's statement about marital debt and further state that I have completed and attached the additional information required on Attachment A, which I incorporate into this Answer and Counterclaim. DC Bar Pro Bono Center (revised 10/2016) Complaint for Legal Separation (Contested Answer and Counterclaim) Page 2 of 8 American LegalNet, Inc. Alimony 7. With regard to my spouse's statement about temporary financial support, I answer and state that [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY] I agree with my spouse's statement about temporary financial support. I disagree with my spouse's statement about temporary financial support at this time and will file an "Opposition to Motion for Temporary Alimony" if my spouse files a separate motion requesting temporary alimony. I further state that I need temporary financial support and will file a separate motion ("Motion for Temporary Alimony") asking the Court to grant this request. 8. With regard to my spouse's statement about alimony, I answer and state that [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY] I agree with my spouse's statement about alimony. I disagree with my spouse's statement about his or her need for alimony and/or I disagree that I have the ability to pay alimony. I further state that I need alimony from my spouse and I believe my spouse has the ability to pay alimony to me. Custody 9. With regard to my spouse's statement about children of this marriage, I answer and state that [CHECK ONE] I agree with my spouse's statement about custody. I disagree with my spouse's statement about custody, and I have completed and attached the additional information required on Attachment B, which I incorporate into this Answer and Counterclaim. DC Bar Pro Bono Center (revised 10/2016) Complaint for Legal Separation (Contested Answer and Counterclaim) Page 3 of 8 American LegalNet, Inc. Child Support 10. With regard to my spouse's statement about my legal obligation to contribute to the support of our eligible child(ren), including any adult disabled children, I answer and state that [CHECK ONE] I agree with my spouse's statement about my legal obligation. I disagree with my spouse's statement about my legal obligation. 11. With regard to my spouse's request for child support, I answer and state that [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY] I agree with my spouse's statement about child support. I disagree with my spouse's statement about child support, and I have completed and attached the additional information required on Attachment C, which I incorporate into this Answer and Counterclaim. I further state that I am asking the Court to award child support to me, and I have completed and attached the additional information required on Attachment C, which I incorporate into this Answer and Counterclaim. Attachments 12. With regard to my spouse's statement that he or she included attachment(s) to his or her Complaint for Legal Separation, I answer and state that [CHECK ONE] I agree with my spouse's statement about attachments. I disagree with my spouse's statement about attachments. 13. I further state that in support of my Answer and Counterclaim, I have included the following attachment(s): No attachments Attachment A (Marital Property and Marital Debt) Attachment B (Custody) Attachment C (Child Support) DC Bar Pro Bono Center (revised 10/2016) Complaint for Legal Separation (Contested Answer and Counterclaim) Page 4 of 8 American LegalNet, Inc. Request for Relief I RESPECTFULLY REQUEST that the Court: [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY] Grant Deny my spouse's request for a Legal Separation. Divide marital property and/or assign marital debt in a manner that is equitable, just and reasonable. Award alimony in a manner