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SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FAMILY COURT DC Bar Pro Bono Center (revised 10/2016) Opposition to Motion for Review of Magistrate Judge222s Order Page 1 of 4 PRINT PLAINTIFF222S NAME PETITIONER/PLAINTIFF, v. PRINT DEFENDANT222S NAME RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT. OPPOSITION TO MOTION FOR REVIEW OF MAGISTRATE JUDGE222S ORDER I, , am the PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER in this case. PRINT YOUR NAME DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT 1. The Motion for Review of Magistrate Judge222s Order should be denied because: [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY] The other party did not prove that the Magistrate Judge applied the law incorrectly. [EXPLAIN] The other party did not prove that the Magistrate Judge222s Order is plainly wrong. [EXPLAIN] Case No: RELATED CASES: American LegalNet, Inc. DC Bar Pro Bono Center (revised 10/2016) Opposition to Motion for Review of Magistrate Judge222s Order Page 2 of 4 The other party did not prove that the Magistrate Judge222s Order is not supported by the evidence. [EXPLAIN] The other party did not prove that the Magistrate Judge222s Order is an abuse of the Court222s discretion. [EXPLAIN] Request for Relief I RESPECTFULLY REQUEST that the Court deny the Motion for Review of Magistrate Judge222s Order in this case. I ALSO REQUEST that the Court award any other relief it considers fair and proper. I DO request an oral hearing in front of the judge on this motion. DO NOT Respectfully Submitted, SIGN YOUR NAME PRINT YOUR NAME STREET ADDRESS CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS SUBSTITUTE ADDRESS: CHECK BOX IF YOU HAVE WRITTEN SOMEONE ELSE222S ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER BECAUSE YOU FEAR HARASSMENT OR HARM. American LegalNet, Inc. DC Bar Pro Bono Center (revised 10/2016) Opposition to Motion for Review of Magistrate Judge222s Order Page 3 of 4 POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT OF OPPOSITION TO MOTION In support of this Opposition to Motion, I refer to: 1. Super. Ct. Gen. Fam. R. D(e)(1), including Comment. 2. D.C. Code 247 17-305(a). 3. Minor v. Robinson, 117 WLR 1749 (Super. Ct. 1988). 3. The record in this case. 4. The attached supporting document(s), if any. [LIST ANY DOCUMENTS THAT YOU ARE ATTACHING] American LegalNet, Inc. DC Bar Pro Bono Center (revised 10/2016) Opposition to Motion for Review of Magistrate Judge222s Order Page 4 of 4 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FAMILY COURT Domestic Relations Branch PRINT PETITIONER222S/PLAINTIFF222S NAME PETITIONER/PLAINTIFF, v. PRINT RESPONDENT222S/DEFENDANT222S NAME RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT. RULE 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that I served a copy of my Opposition to Motion for Review of Magistrate Judge222s Order to the other party or the other party222s attorney on . DATE OF SERVICE The papers were delivered: [CHECK ONE] by handing it to the other party by first class mail: by fax: by leaving a copy at the other party222s workplace with a clerk or person in charge, or because there was no one in charge, by leaving it in a conspicuous place: by leaving a copy at the other party222s home with a person of suitable age and discretion who lives there: PRINT NAME OF PERSON SERVED WITH PAPERS STREET ADDRESS/FAX # CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE SIGN YOUR NAME DATE Case No. RELATED CASES: American LegalNet, Inc.