Client Satisfaction Questionnaire
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Client Satisfaction Questionnaire Form. This is a Georgia form and can be use in State Bar Of Georgia Statewide.
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Tags: Client Satisfaction Questionnaire, Georgia Statewide, State Bar Of Georgia
HOW DID WE TREAT YOU Thank you for choosing (firm name) to assist you with yourlegal problem. We appreciated the opportunity to serve you. To help us to improve, we invite allclients to complete and return this questionnaire. By answering the questions, you will helpeveryone at ________________(firm name)___________________ better serve our clients in the future. You need not sign the completed questionnaire. Simply return it to the firm in theenclosed business envelope. Thank you for your help. 1. When did you first come to our office with the legal problem? (approximately) _____________________________ 2. Why did you choose our firm to represent you? 3. What was the type of case? 4. What attorney(s) represented you? 5. Had the firm represented you before? Yes No a. What attorney(s)?_________________________________________ _________________________________________ 6. Did we return your telephone calls within a reasonable time? 7. Please describe how you were treated by our staff: Courteously Casually Indifferently Poorly If not courteously, please explain: >>>> 2 HOW DID WE TREAT YOU (continued) 8. When you had an opportunity, how long did you wait in the reception area before seeing an attorney? under 10 minutes 10-15 minutes 15-20 minutes 20-30 minutes over 30 minutes 9. How often did this occur? __________________________________________________ 10. Did your lawyer or legal assistant regularly inform you of the progress of your case? 11. Were you informed during the first visit, the basis on which you would be billed for services? __________________________________________________ 12. In your opinion, was the fee charged reasonable?________________________________ If no, why not? 13. Would you recommend this firm to others? _______________________________ a. If yes, why? b. If no, why? 14. Please rate the overall quality of the services provided by our law firm. Excellent Very Good Good Fair PoorThank you . Please feel free to add any comments you feel would be helpful to us.