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IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Securities Bureau 800 Park Blvd., Suite 200, Boise, ID 83712 P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0031 Website: Fax: 208/332-8099 208/332-8004 REGISTRATION BY COORDINATION Initial Filing Requirements The following must be submitted directly to the Department of Finance, Securities Bureau for initial registration: 1. Form U-1 2. Consent to Service of Process (Form U-2) 3. Registration Statement 4. Fee: $300 (check or money order payable to the Idaho Department of Finance) NOTE: An Agent of Issuer filing is required if a compensated agent is not an Idaho registered broker-dealer. Post-Effective Filing Requirements Renewal - Issuers are required to renew their securities registrations if they intend to continue selling securities to Idaho residents after the initial registration period. Initial registration expiration is one year from the date of approval of registration. The following must be submitted directly to the Department of Finance, Securities Bureau for registration renewal before the initial registration expiration: A cover letter requesting renewal $300 filing fee Amendments: Material changes amendments Letter of termination upon completion of the registration (We would appreciate a final sales report) [SEE: Idaho Code � 30-14-303 and Rule 20.01 pursuant to the Uniform Securities Act (2004)] C:\MyFiles\Regcoordcklst.wpd Amended 9/04 American LegalNet, Inc.