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Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinoiscookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 1 of 1 Automatic Expungement Order þ (10/05/18) CCJ 0046 en-USIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOISen-USJUVENILE JUSTICE AND CHILD PROTECTION DEPARTMENTen-USJUVENILE JUSTICE DIVISIONen-USAUTOMATIC EXPUNGEMENT ORDERþ 9604 þ en-USA petition alleging delinquency has been dismissed, or þ 9605 þ en-US þ 5023 þ en-USThere has been a successful termination of an order of supervision, or þ 9607 þ en-USThere has been an adjudication for a Class B or C misdemeanor, or a petty or business offense.1. en-USen-USentry of this Order. 2. en-US3. en-USen-USdays of this Order.en-US þ en-USen-US þ Judge þ Judge222s No. en-USIN THE INTEREST OF en-USA minor þ þ þ en-US Case No. þ en-US þ en-US þ en-USI.R. C.B. þ þ