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Application For Appointment Of Counsel And Financial Statement Form. This is a Iowa form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
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Tags: Application For Appointment Of Counsel And Financial Statement, Rule 1.1901 Form 8, Iowa Statewide, District Court
Rule 1.1901 — Form 8
February 2002
No. ______________________________
I request that the court appoint counsel to represent me at public expense. I realize that I may be required to repay in
whole or in part any public funds expended for this purpose. The following financial statement is submitted in support
of my application:
Current mailing address: _________________________________________________________________________
Age: _______________________________ Telephone number(s): _______________________________________
Marital status: Single _____________ Married __________ Divorced ____________ Widow(er) _______________
Name of husband/wife: ___________________________________ Live with husband/wife Yes ______ No ______
If no, length of physical separation from husband/wife: _________________________________________________
Number and ages of dependents: ___________________________________________________________________
How long a resident of this county: _________________________________________________________________
Occupation: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Present employer: ______________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Former employer: ______________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Weekly take-home (net) earnings: $ ______________________ Weekly gross earnings $ ______________________
Total gross income for past 12 months: $ _____________________________________________________________
Bank with: _________________________________________ Address: __________________________________
Balance personal bank account:
$ ___________________________
Balance account in name of husband/wife:
$ ___________________________
Balance joint account with husband/wife:
$ ___________________________
Balance joint account with any other person(s):
$ ___________________________
What is your average monthly living expense (clothing, food, housing, transportation, other)? $ _________________
Does any person pay all or any portion of these expenses: Yes _____ No _____ If yes, who pays these costs and how
much do they contribute? ________________________________________________________________________
Motor vehicles: Give make, year, present value, amount owing thereon, if any, and whether registered or titled in your
name, name of husband/wife or jointly with another: __________________________________________________
List all sources of income, in your name, name of husband/wife or jointly shared with another, including salary (net
wages), pensions, bonds, stocks, securities, private business, farming, insurance, retirement benefits, social security
benefits, lawsuits or settlements or others: _________________________________________________________
ADC or welfare relief, if any, in your name, name of husband/wife or jointly shared with another: ________________
List all sources of public assistance, if any, including ADC, unemployment compensation, heating assistance, food
stamps: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Real estate owned in your name, name of husband/wife or jointly shared with another (describe): ________________
American LegalNet, Inc.
Other assets in your name, name of husband/wife or jointly shared with another (stereo, TV, furniture, trust funds,
notes, bonds, stocks savings certificates, life insurance, other):
___________________________________________ Value: $ ___________________________________________
Are you a beneficiary or heir in an estate of a person deceased? ___________________________________________
List all debts or unpaid bills, including money owed for such things as: Housing, food, clothing, transportation (car,
gas), utility costs, medical and dental services and other items, be specific: __________________________________
Does anyone owe you money or have any property belonging to you? _____________________________________
Give details in full: _____________________________________________________________________________
Do you have a judgment against anyone: Yes __________ No _________ If yes, give name, date, court and amount:
Have you or anyone else employed or offered to employ an attorney for _____________________________________
in this matter? Yes ___________ No ___________ If so, how much has the attorney been paid by you or for you?
$ ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Who can verify this information: ___________________________________________________________________
Telephone number: ____________________ Address: ________________________________________________
I certify under penalty of perjury and pursuant to the laws of the State of Iowa that the foregoing statements are true
and correct to the best of my knowledge, and are made in support of my request that the court appoint legal counsel
for me because I am financially unable to employ counsel.
(Signature of applicant)
The State of Iowa:
_________________ does not object to the appointment of counsel.
_________________ objects to the appointment of counsel and requests a hearing on the application.
Dated: _____________________________, 20 ______ .
(Assistant __________________________________ County Attorney)
American LegalNet, Inc.