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Registration Form For The Court Interpreters Written Exam Form. This is a Iowa form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
Tags: Registration Form For The Court Interpreters Written Exam, Iowa Statewide, District Court
Iowa Judicial Branch
Registration Form for the Court Interpreter Written Exams in 2008
NOTE: Interpreters must have attended a two-day court interpreter orientation workshop before taking this exam.
Name (print clearly): ________________________________________________________________________
Street Address: ____________________________________________ City: ___________________________
State: ________ Zip Code: __________
Date of Birth: _________________________ (at least 18 years old)
Work phone: (________)__________________________ Fax #: (_________)____________________
Email address: __________________________________________________________
(We strongly urge you to have an e-mail address)
I attended a Court / Legal Interpreter Orientation Workshop in Iowa on (month & year): _______________
Check the written exams for court interpreters in Iowa that you have already passed:
(1) The written translation exam (If yes, provide the month & year): ____________________
(2) The multiple-choice exam (135 questions) for court interpreters (month & year): _________________
(3) The multiple-choice test (25 questions) on Court Interpreter Ethics (month & year): _______________
NOTE: If you passed this test prior to 2007, but have not already passed the multiple-choice test with
135 questions (#2 above), you will have to re-take the ethics test.
Non-English language in which you have sufficient expertise to be a court interpreter:
[Part 1 of the written exam will require you to translate English text into the written form of this language]
Select a date & location for the written exam: Date: ________________ City: _______________________
(See next page for dates and locations)
Signature: __________________________________________________
Date: ___________________
REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS: You must submit the following items to register for the workshop:
(1) This “Registration Form”
(2) An “Application to be an Oral [or Sign] Language Interpreter” form (unless already submitted)
(3) A “Release/Waiver Authorizing a Criminal Background Check” form (unless already submitted)
(4) A registration fee: $40 ($20 if you have already passed either the multiple-choice exam – OR -- the
written translation exam and will be taking just the exam you have not already passed)
Make your check or money order payable to: Iowa Judicial Branch (No cash or credit cards)
You may FAX the Registration Form and Application to be a Court Interpreter to: (515) 242-0014
The other forms must be MAILED to:
Court Interpreters Program, Iowa Judicial Building, 1111 E. Court Ave., Des Moines, IA 50319
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Forms & registration fee must be received by the Monday before the test date.
SPECIAL NEEDS: If you have any physical needs that might require special assistance so you can take the
exam, please describe those special needs here (or on the back of this page, if necessary):
American LegalNet, Inc.
Schedule for the Written Exam for Court Interpreters, 2008
Location (CC = Community College)**
D.M. Area CC – 7th St & Laurel St, Bldg, 1, Rm 124
Area Educ. Agency, 4401 6th St., SW.
Council Bluffs
IA Western CC, 2700 College Rd., Stuart Hall, Rm 111
E. IA CC, 326 W. 3rd St, Rm 1004
IA Valley CC, 3702 S. Center St., Rm 608
Indian Hills CC, Bennett Student Services Center, Rm. 104
Sioux City
Area Educ. Agency, 1520 Morningside Ave., Rm F
Hawkeye CC, 1501 E. Orange Rd, Tama Hall, Rm 105
Des Moines
D.M. Area CC (Building & room TBA)
Cedar Rapids
Area Educ. Agency, 4401 6th St., SW.,
Council Bluffs
IA Western CC, 2700 College Rd., Stuart Hall, Rm 111
E. IA CC, 326 W. 3rd St, Rm 1004
Fort Dodge
IA Central CC. 330 Ave. M, Applied Science & Tech Bldg., Rm 107
Sioux City
Area Educ. Agency, 1520 Morningside Ave., Rm F
W. Burlington
S.E. IA CC, 1500 W. Agency (in W. Burlington), Rm 502
Nov. 15
Des Moines
Cedar Rapids
June 7
Hawkeye CC, 1501 E. Orange Rd, Tama Hall, Rm 105
* You must submit a registration form by the Tuesday before the exam (see bottom of this page). Doors close
and exams begin at 9:00 a.m. in each location. People should arrive at least 20 minutes prior to the start of the
exam to sign-in and be seated. Bring a photo I.D.
**The exams will be offered in these cities. However, the building and room number are subject to change. We
will notify examinees at least one week before the exam if the building or room number has been changed.
Description of the Written Exam for Court Interpreters
Exam 1: Written translation of English text into the written form of the interpreter’s second language.
Includes 10 sets of 2 or 3 sentences in English; 1 hour – followed by a 15-minute break.
Exam 2A: A multiple-choice exam with 135 questions (in English); 2 hours 15 minutes.
Exam 2B: 15 multi-choice questions on court interpreter ethics; 20 minutes.
• You must attend a Court Interpreter Orientation Workshop before you can take the written exams.
• Before the exam, read the “Overview of the Written Exam for Iowa Court Interpreters,” which is available
on the Iowa Courts website at:
• Bring an I.D. card with your photo on it (e.g., your driver’s license) to the test.
• You must pass both parts 2A and 2B to be on the Roster of Court Interpreters.
• You must pass exam1 1, 2A, and 2B before you can take the court interpreter certification (oral) exam.
• For more information see:
Do not submit this page with your registration form
American LegalNet, Inc.