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COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY ALISON LUNDERGAN GRIMES, SECRETARY OF STATE _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Division of Business Filings Business Filings PO Box 718 Frankfort, KY 40602 (502) 564-3490 Articles of Amendment (Domestic Profit or Professional Services Corporation) AMD __________________________________________________________________________________________ Pursuant to the provisions of KRS 14A and KRS 271B, the undersigned applies to amend articles of incorporation, and for that purpose, submits the following statements: 1. Name of the corporation on record with the Office of the Secretary of State is ________________________________________________________________________________________________. (The name must be identical to the name on record with the Secretary of State.) 2. The text of each amendment adopted: _______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. If the amendment provides for an exchange, reclassification, or cancellation of issued shares, provisions for implementing the amendment, if not contained in the amendment itself, are as follows: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. The date of adoption of each amendment was as follows: ________________________________________________ 5. Check the option that applies (check only one option): The amendment(s) was (were) duly adopted by the incorporators prior to issuance of shares. The amendment(s) was (were) duly adopted by the board of directors prior to issuance of shares. The amendment(s) was (were) duly adopted by the incorporators or board of director without shareholder action as shareholder action was not required. If the amendment(s) was (were) duly adopted by the shareholders, the: a) ____Number of outstanding shares. b) ____Number of votes entitled to be cast by each voting group entitled to vote separately on the amendment c) ____Number of votes of each voting group indisputably represented at the meeting. d) ____The total number of votes in favor of the amendment. e) ____The number of votes against the amendment. f) ____The number of votes cast for the amendment by each voting group was sufficient. 6. This application will be effective upon filing, unless a delayed effective date and/or time is provided. The effective date or the delayed effective cannot be prior to the date the application is filed. The date and/or time is__________________. (Delayed effective date and/or time) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of Kentucky that the forgoing is true and correct. _________________________________________ ________________________ ___________ ____________ Signature of Officer or Chairman of the Board Printed Name Title Date (01/12) American LegalNet, Inc. FILING INSTRUCTIONS ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT FOR A DOMESTIC PROFIT CORPORATION NAME Use the exact name of the business entity as registered on file with the Office of the Secretary of State. TEXT OF AMENDMENT The amendment must contain the text of the amendment (ie: change of corporate name, duration, to increase, decrease the number of shares, etc.) EXCHANGE OR RECLASSIFICATION If the amendment provides for any type of share change that is not provided in the amendment, provide the manner for implementing the change. If not applicable, indicate none or n/a in the space provided. DATE The date the amendment was adopted must be provided. AMENDMENT ADOPTION Select the appropriate method of adoption for the amendment. EFFECTIVE DATE AND TIME The document will be effective on the date and time of filing, unless a delayed effective date and/or time is specified. The effective date or the delayed effective date cannot be prior to the date the application is filed. A delayed effective date may not be later than the 90 th day after the date of filing. WHO MAY SIGN The document must be signed by an officer or chairman of the board. PRINCIPAL OFFICE ADDRESS The principal office is the office (in or out of this state) so designated in writing with the Office of the Secretary of State where the principal designated office of the business entity is located. This address is where all correspondence from the Office of the Secretary of State (See Document Delivery) will be submitted. DOCUMENT DELIVERY A file stamped postcard will be sent to the principal office address. If the applicant wishes for the document to be sent to an alternate address other than the principal office, a request must be submitted in writing affirming that request. Alternate address requests must be submitted with each document filed with the Office of the Secretary of State. ADDITIONAL ARTICLES OR NEED TO MODIFY THE EXISTING FORM If this form does not comply with what you wish to file (ie: additional articles, signatures, etc.), please disregard this form and send a drafted executed copy of the document according to the KRS statute noted on the form to the address below. NUMBER OF COPIES If filing via mail or in person, one exact or conformed copy of the documents with the filing fee must be submitted to the address below. To make a copy of the filing for delivery to the local county clerk's office, visit and print a copy from the organization search tool. FILING FEE The filing fee for this document is $40.00. Checks should be made payable to the "Kentucky State Treasurer." If you are increasing your shares, the following formula should be utilized: 1. Articles of Amendment $40.00 2. Organization Tax Fee for 1,000 shares or less +$10.00 Total Filing Fee $50.00 KRS 136.060 requires every corporation to pay an organization tax based upon the number of shares authorized by the articles of incorporation. The minimum organization tax fee for one thousand (1,000) shares or less is $10.00. If the corporation is issuing more than 1,000 shares, please contact the Office of the Secretary of State for total filing fee due. SHARES The articles of amendment shall prescribe the classes of shares and the number of shares of each class the corporation is authorized to issue. If there is mo