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Form Confidentiality Order Form. This is a Maine form and can be use in District Court Federal.
Tags: Form Confidentiality Order, Maine Federal, District Court
APPENDIX II (As amended January 1, 2013) FORM CONFIDENTIALITY ORDER [This Form Confidentiality Order shall be submitted under L.R. 26 (d). The form is available on the Court's website under "Forms"] UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF MAINE ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Plaintiff v. Civil No. [Consent]1 Confidentiality Order Defendant [if by consent] The parties to this Consent Confidentiality Order have agreed to the terms of this Order; accordingly, it is ORDERED: [if not fully by consent] A party to this action has moved that the Court enter a confidentiality order. The Court has determined that the terms set forth herein are appropriate to protect the respective interests of the parties, the public, and the Court. Accordingly, it is ORDERED: 1. Scope. All documents produced in the course of discovery, including initial disclosures, all responses to discovery requests, all deposition testimony and exhibits, other materials which may be subject to 1 Counsel should include or delete language in brackets as necessary to the specific case. American LegalNet, Inc. restrictions on disclosure for good cause and information derived directly therefrom (hereinafter collectively "documents"), shall be subject to this Order concerning confidential information as set forth below. This Order is subject to the Local Rules of this District and of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure on matters of procedure and calculation of time periods. 2. Form and Timing of Designation. A party may designate documents as confidential and restricted in disclosure under this Order by placing or affixing the words "CONFIDENTIAL - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER" on the document in a manner that will not interfere with the legibility of the document and that will permit complete removal of the CONFIDENTIAL - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER designation. Documents shall be designated CONFIDENTIAL - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER prior to or at the time of the production or disclosure of the documents [optional: except for documents produced for inspection under the "Reading Room" provisions set forth in paragraph 4 below]. The designation "CONFIDENTIAL - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER" does not mean that the document has any status or protection by statute or otherwise except to the extent and for the purposes of this Order. 2 American LegalNet, Inc. 3. Documents Which May be Designated CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER. Any party may designate documents as CONFIDENTIAL - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER but only after review of the documents by an attorney2 or a party appearing pro se who has in good faith determined that the documents contain information protected from disclosure by statute or that should be protected from disclosure as confidential personal information, trade secrets, personnel records, or commercial information. The designation shall be made subject to the standards of Rule 11 and the sanctions of Rule 37 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Information or documents that are available in the public sector may not be designated as CONFIDENTIAL - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER. 4. [This Reading Room paragraph may be appropriate only in cases involving extensive documents] Reading Room. In order to facilitate timely disclosure of a large number of documents that may contain confidential documents, but that have not yet been reviewed and designated CONFIDENTIAL - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER, the following "Reading Room" procedure may be used at the election of the producing party. 2 An attorney who reviews the documents and designates them as CONFIDENTIAL - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER must be admitted to the Bar of at least one state but need not be admitted to practice in the District of Maine and need not file the certification required of visiting lawyers by Local Rule 83.1(c) unless he/she is appearing generally in the case on behalf of a party. By designating documents confidential pursuant to this Order, counsel submits to the jurisdiction and sanctions of this Court on the subject matter of the designation. 3 American LegalNet, Inc. (a) Reading Room Review. Documents may be produced for review at a party's facility or other physical or electronic controlled location ("Reading Room") prior to designation as CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER. After review of the documents, the party seeking discovery may specify those for which copies are requested. If the producing party elects to designate any documents CONFIDENTIAL - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER, the copies shall be so marked prior to further production. (b) No Waiver of Confidentiality. The production of documents for review within the Reading Room shall not be deemed a waiver of any claim of confidentiality, so long as the reviewing parties are advised that pursuant to this Order the Reading Room may contain confidential documents that have not yet been designated CONFIDENTIAL - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER. (c) Treatment of Produced Documents as CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER. The reviewing party shall treat all documents reviewed in the Reading Room as designated CONFIDENTIAL - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER at the time reviewed. Documents copied and produced from the Reading Room 4 American LegalNet, Inc. that are not designated CONFIDENTIAL - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER are not subject to this Order. (d) Production of Documents. Unless otherwise agreed or ordered, copies of Reading Room documents shall be produced within thirty days after the request for copies is made. Production may be made by providing electronic copies of the documents so long as copies reasonably as legible as the originals may be produced therefrom. 5. Depositions. Deposition testimony shall be deemed CONFIDENTIAL - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER only if designated as such. Such designation shall be specific as to the portions to be designated CONFIDENTIAL - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER. Depositions, in whole or in part, shall be designated on the record as CONFIDENTIAL - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER at the time of the deposition. Deposition testimony so designated shall remain CONFIDENTIAL - SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER until seven days after delivery of the transcript by the court reporter. Within seven days after delivery of the transcript, a designating party may serve a Notice of Designation to all parties of record as to specific portions of the transcri