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(THESE FINDINGS MUST BE FILED AND DOCKETED WITH THE CASE PAPERS)JV-Child Support Findings (01/01/09) CHILD SUPPORT FINDINGS DOCKET NO. TRIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTSCASE NAME DIVISION CHILD SUPPORT FINDINGS FOR DEPARTURE FROM GUIDELINESI. The amount of the order which would result from the application of the Child Support Guidelinesis $ per week month. II.The Child Support Guidelines are not applicable in this case because: Combined annual gross income of the parties exceed $250,000. Other (specify) III.The Child Support Guidelines are applicable in this case.After hearing, the Court finds that the presumptiveness of the Child Support Guidelines has been rebutted afterconsidering the specific facts of this case and the best interests of the child(ren). Ordering the amount which wouldresult from the application of the guidelines would be unjust or inappropriate under the circumstances.Specific facts which justify departure from the guidelines are:The parties have submitted, and the Court has accepted, a written agreement for child support, which is found to be fair and reasonable and makes adequate provision for the support of the child/children. The child (one of the children) has special needs or aptitudes which areThe child (one of the children) has extraordinary medical or other expenses which areApplication of the Guidelines, particularly in low income cases, leaves a party without the abilityto self-support.Payor is incarcerated, is likely to remain incarcerated for an additional 3 years and has insufficientfinancial resources to pay support.Application of the guidelines would result in gross disparity in the standard of living between twohouseholds such that the one household is left with an unreasonably low percentage of the combinedavailable income. Specify which parent:A parent has extraordinary travel expenses related to parenting.Specify which parent:A parent has extraordinary medical expenses. Specify which parent:Application of the Guidelines may adversely impact re-unification of a parent and child where thechild has been temporarily removed from the household based upon an allegation of neglect.Absent deviation, applicaton of the Guidelines would lead to an order that is unjust, inappropriateor not in the best interest of the child.Other (specify): ORDERAfter taking into consideration the best interests of the child/children, it is the order of this Court that the defendantshall pay $per (week/month) for the support of the child/children in the above entitled matter. DATE JUSTICEv... Plaintiff:Defendant: American LegalNet, Inc.