Petition For New Certificate After Death Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Petition For New Certificate After Death Form. This is a Massachusetts form and can be use in Land Court Statewide.
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Tags: Petition For New Certificate After Death, Massachusetts Statewide, Land Court
COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS LAND COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT Case No. S - PETITION FOR NEW CERTIFICATE AFTER DEATH REGISTERED OWNER NAMED IN CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. .ISSUED FROM THE REGISTRY DISTRI CT OF COUNTY. The undersiged represent tn at they are h the sole heirs t alaw devisees under will of , late of , in the Couny oft and said Commonwealth: Name Full Address Interest Claimed (If a minor, state date of birth) That a judgement granting adinistration letters testamentary on the m state of deceased has beene entered by the Probate Court for the County of ; and that more thanthirty days have elapsed since the entry of the judgment and no appeal therefrom has been taken: WHEREFORE the undersigned pray that a new certificate of title may be issued to them in accordance with chapter 185 of the General Laws, as amended. (Signatures of petitioners or attor ney) I, administrator executor of the estate of said hereby waive notice of the forgoing petition andassent to the prayer thereof, and further ake oath to the best of mym knowledge and belief that all debts, charges and claims against the estat e of the decea sed owner are paid, and that no suits against the estat e are pending. Administrator/Executor 20 Sworn to, before me Notary Public My Commission expires: NOTE With this petition, file attested copy of deceased ownes certificate of tr tle and 1) attiested Probate Court copies of the petition, citation, bond, will and inventory (if any), or 2) an abstract of the Probate proceedings prepared by a Land Court Examiner. Filing fee is $50.00 PLEASE F ILE THIS ORIGINA L AND A COPY LCP-2 (web 07/03)