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Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Department SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOREIGN Docket No. TO THE HONORABLE JUSTICES OF THE PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT RESPECTFULLY represents (Please print) of (Address) in the State of and that he/she/they is/are - the - administrator/trix of the estate late of executor/trix of the will - of (Address) Name of Deceased (Please print) duly appointed by the in the State of qualified and is/are acting as such copy of his/her/their appointment filed herewith. That the deceased was at the time of his/her death the owner of certain real estate situated in , in the County of Court in and for the County of and that he/she/they has/have been duly ,as more fully appears by an authenticated bounded and described as follows: That it is for the benefit of all parties interested that the same be sold; that an advantageous offer for the purchase of said real estate has been made to the petitioner(s) in the sum of dollars. That there is no administrator/trix executor/trix appointed in the Commonwealth and that your petitioner(s) as such will be liable, to account for the proceeds therof, in said State in which he/she/they was/were appointed, that the deceased died on deceased have expired. I/We certify that the estate of the deceased does and that six months from the death of the does not exceed $1000 in value. WHEREFORE, your petitioner(s) request that he/she/they may be authorized to sell this real estate of the deceased at public auction for a larger sum upon the following terms at private sale in accordance with said offer or and that he/she/they may become the purchaser(s) of said real estate. CJ-P 143 (4/09) American LegalNet, Inc. The petitioner(s) certify/ies that MassHealth is is not an interested party in this matter due to: the filing of a written claim against the estate pursuant to G.L. c. 118E, s 32 the filing of a Notice of Claim pursuant to G.L. c. 197, s 9(d) Notice of this petition has been sent to MassHealth, P.O. Box 15205 Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-9906, if required Date Petitioner 1 signature Date Petitioner 2 signature CJ-P 143 (4/09) American LegalNet, Inc.