Affidavit Of Compliance And Plaintiffs Entitlement To Judgment
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12.18 DATE DOCKET NO. PLAINTIFF DEFENDANT COUNTY/COURT DIVISION Trial Court of Massachusetts AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE AND PLAINTIFF'S ENTITLEMENT TO JUDGMENT Mass. R. Civ. P. 55.1(b)(1) PLAINTIFF OR PLAINTIFF'S COUNSEL SIGNED UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURYThe undersigned hereby states that:1. I have personally reviewed the documentation filed and served in this action pursuant to Rule 8.1;2. The documentation meets all requirements of Rule 8.1(c)-(f) (with any exceptions specifically stated here): 3. The documentation establishes the plaintiff's entitlement to judgment in the amount claimed. X THIS FORM IS REQUIRED IN ALL CASES SUBJECT TO MASS. R. CIV. P. 8.1 I am an unrepresented plaintiff I am counsel for the plaintiffPlease check one:AND CERTIFICATE OF SERVICEI, , attorney for the above-named plaintiff or unrepresented plaintiff, certify that on I gave notice of the foregoing document to the defendant in the following manner: namedatename address city/town/zip code at the following address: American LegalNet, Inc.