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Dispute Resolution Program Report Form. This is a Massachusetts form and can be use in State District Court Statewide.
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Tags: Dispute Resolution Program Report, Massachusetts Statewide, State District Court
Dispute Resolution Program ReportCOURT DIVISION Date/Time Printed: 04-13-2018 17:26:48 Trial Court of Massachusetts District Court Department Reporting Period 6 Months Due on 1/3112 Months Due on 8/31 SECTION I.SECTION II.SECTION III.SECTION IV. TOTAL ADR CASES: Number of all cases processed by program during the reporting period for all case types. ADR CASES BY REFERRAL SOURCE: Number of ADR cases processed per the referral source of the case. ADR CASES BY EVENT: Number of ADR cases processed per the event at which case was received. ADR CASES BY CASE TYPE: Number of ADR cases processed per case type.ADR CASE OUTCOMES BY ADR PROCESS PROVIDED: Outcomes by ADR process for all cases processed. SECTION V. Line 1. Total number of ADR cases Line 2. Judge Line 3. Clerk/Assistant ClerkLine 4. Local ADR CoordinatorLine 6. Other Court Personnel (Specify:)Line 5. Self (i.e., Party and/or Attorney)Line 7. ADR Program Screener Line 8. Unknown Line 9. TOTAL ADR CASES BY SOURCE (Lines 2 - 8 total; Line 9 must equal Line 1.) Line 10. Filing of Civil Complt./Petition Line 11. Show Cause Hearing Line 14. ADR Screening Line 12. Pretrial Conference Line 13. Other Pretrial Event (Specify:) Line 15. Trial Date Line 16. TOTAL ADR CASES BY EVENT (Lines 10 - 15 total; Line 16 must equal Line 1.) Line 17. Pre-criminal Line 18. Crim ComplaintLine 19. Contract Line 20. Tort Line 21. Consumer Prot. Line 22. Equit Remedy Line 23. Small Claims Line 24. Sm Cl Appeal. Line 25. Summary Proc Line 26. Supplm Proc Line 27. HPO (c. 258E) Line 28. Dog Appeal Line 29. CHINS* Line 30. C & P*Line 31. Delinquency*Line 32. Parent Rights* Line 33. Other Line 34. TOTAL ADR CASES BY CASE TYPE (Lines 17-33 total; Line 34 must equal Line 1.) *Brookline & Gloucester district courts only OUTCOME PROCESS: MEDIATIONOTHER PROCESS (specify) OTHER PROCESS (specify) Line 35. Line 36. Line 37. Line 38. Line 40. Line 41. Line 42. Line 43. Line 45. Line 46. Line 47. Line 48. SettledNot SettledPartially SettledPending Final Outcome TOTAL OUTCOMES PER PROCESS:TOTAL OUTCOMES ALL PROCESSES: (Lines 39, 44 & 49 total) Line 39. (Lines 35-38 total.) Line 44. (Lines 40-43 total.) Line 49. (Lines 45-48 total.) Line 50. SECTION VI. COMPLAINTS RECEIVED: NO. RECEIVEDNO. RESOLVEDNO. PENDINGLine 51. Line 52. Line 53. NATURE OF COMPLAINTS ABOUT PROGRAMABOUT NEUTRALSOTHER PROGRAM DIRECTOR OR REPRESENTATIVELine 54. Line 55. Line 56. DATE REPORT SUBMITTED (Line 50 must equal Line 1.)Program Name American LegalNet, Inc.