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Ex Parte Motion For Exemption From Credit Counseling Requirement Form. This is a New York form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Ex Parte Motion For Exemption From Credit Counseling Requirement, New York Federal, Bankruptcy Court
In re:
Case No.
I understand that I may not be a debtor under the bankruptcy laws of the United States unless,
during the 180 days preceding the date I filed my bankruptcy petition, I received an
individual or group briefing (by telephone or Internet or in person) from an approved
nonprofit budget and credit counseling agency that outlined the opportunities for available
credit counseling and assisted me in performing a related budget analysis (“Credit
Counseling Requirement”). 11 U.S.C. § 109(h)(1).
I also understand that I am required to file a certificate from the agency that provided the
above credit counseling services to me, as well as a copy of a debt repayment plan, if any,
that was developed through the credit counseling services (“Credit Counseling Certificate”).
11 U.S.C. § 521(b).
In accordance with 11 U.S.C. § 109(h)(1) and (3),1 I hereby request that the Court grant me
a temporary exemption from the Credit Counseling Requirement.
I understand that a temporary exemption can be granted only if I show that there are exigent
circumstances that support my request and that I requested credit counseling services before
I filed my petition from an approved non-profit budget and credit counseling agency but was
unable to obtain the services during the 5-day period beginning on the day I made the
11 U.S.C. § 109 (h)(1) states: “Subject to ¶¶ (2) and (3), and notwithstanding any other provision of this section,
an individual may not be a debtor under this title unless such individual has, during the 180-day period
preceding the date of filing of the petition by such individual, received from an approved non-profit budget and
credit counseling agency described in section 111(a), an individual or group briefing (including a briefing
conducted by telephone or on the Internet) that outlined the opportunities for available credit counseling and
assisted such individual in performing a related budget analysis.”
11 U.S.C. § 109(h)(3)(A) states: “Subject to subparagraph (B), the requirements of paragraph (1) shall not
apply with respect to a debtor who submits to the court a certification that –
describes exigent circumstances that merit a waiver of the requirements of paragraph (1);
states that the debtor requested credit counseling services from an approved nonprofit budget
and credit counseling agency, but was unable to obtain the services referred to in paragraph
(1) during the 5-day period beginning on the date on which the debtor made that request; and
is satisfactory to the court.
W ith respect to a debtor, an exemption under subparagraph (A) shall cease to apply to that debtor on
the date on which the debtor meets the requirements of paragraph (1), but in no case may the
exemption apply to that debtor after the date that is 30 days after the debtor files a petition, except that
the court, for cause, may order an additional 15 days.” 11 U.S.C. § 109(h)(1) and (3).
EDNY BCT 10/2/06
American LegalNet, Inc.
The exigent circumstances2 that support my request for a temporary exemption from the
Credit Counseling Requirement are:
Before I filed my petition, I made a request to obtain credit counseling from an approved
non-profit budget and credit counseling agency on
[insert date].
I was unable to obtain credit counseling within the five days following my request because:
I understand that if the Court approves this request for a temporary exemption but I still need
additional time to satisfy the Credit Counseling Requirement, I must file a motion within the
temporary exemption period requesting additional time. If the Court approves a further
exemption period, the time to comply with the Credit Counseling Requirement will be
extended by not more than an additional fifteen days.
I understand that I can file a motion (on notice to the case trustee and the United States
Trustee) to have the Court determine that I am entitled to receive a complete waiver of the
Credit Counseling Requirement but only on the basis that I have a mental incapacity or
physical disability or am engaged in active military duty in a military combat zone. 11
U.S.C. § 109(h)(4).
I respectfully request that the Court find the foregoing satisfactory and grant the requested
I declare under penalty of perjury that I have read this Motion in its entirety and each of the
statements made herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
Signature of Attorney
Signature of Debtor
Name of Attorney (Please print)
Signature of Joint Debtor (if any)
“Exigent circumstances” is defined as “situations that demand unusual or immediate action.” Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth
Edition (West 1990).
EDNY BCT 10/2/06
American LegalNet, Inc.