Order Directing Correction Social Security Number(s) (Or Other ITIN(s))
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Order Directing Correction Social Security Number(s) (Or Other ITIN(s)) Form. This is a New York form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Order Directing Correction Social Security Number(s) (Or Other ITIN(s)), New York Federal, Bankruptcy Court
UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ---------------------------------------------------------x In re: Case No. Chapter Debtor(s). --------------------------------------------------------x ORDER DIRECTING CORRECTION OF SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER(S) (or other Individual Taxpayer Identification Number(s) (ITIN(s)) Upon the application of dated good cause having been shown and no adverse interest being represented, it is , and ORDERED, that the official Court record in this case be modified to reflect the correct Social Security Number or other ITIN of Debtor (and/or Joint Debtor, if applicable), as evidenced by the copy of Official Form 21 (or Amended Official Form 21), Statement of Social Security Number or other ITIN, which has now been submitted to the Court; and it is further ORDERED, that the time to file a complaint objecting to the Debtor(s)' discharge or the dischargeability of a debt is extended to and including ; and it is further ORDERED, that within fourteen days of the entry of this Order, the Clerk shall give notice as to the foregoing, which notice shall specify the correct Social Security Number(s) or ITIN(s), to the Trustee, U.S. Trustee, all creditors herein and the following credit reporting agencies (collectively, the "Credit Reporting Agencies"): Equifax P. O. Box 105873 Atlanta, GA 30348 and it is further ORDERED, that the Credit Reporting Agencies are directed to change their records to reflect the correct Social Security Number or other ITIN of the above named Debtor (and/or Joint Debtor, if applicable). Experian P. O. Box 9701 Allen, TX 75013 Trans Union Corporation P. O. Box 1000 Chester, PA 19016 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com