Order On Reaffirmation Agreement (SDNY)
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Order On Reaffirmation Agreement (SDNY) Form. This is a New York form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Order On Reaffirmation Agreement (SDNY), 240C, New York Federal, Bankruptcy Court
SDNY Local Form 240C:
Order on Reaffirmation Agreement (3/07)
United States Bankruptcy Court
____________________District of _____________________
In re _______________________________,
Case No. ________________
Chapter ________
The debtor(s) __________________________ has (have) filed a motion for approval of the
[Names(s) of debtor(s)]
reaffirmation agreement dated ________________________ made between the debtor(s) and
[Date of agreement]
______________________. The Court held the hearing required by 11 U.S.C. § 524(d) and/or (m) on
[Name of creditor]
notice to the debtor(s) and the creditor on ______________________.
COURT ORDER [Court use only]:
9 The Court grants the motion of the debtor(s) under 11 U.S.C. § 524(c)(6)(A) and approves the
reaffirmation agreement described above as not imposing an undue hardship on the debtor(s) or a
dependent of the debtor(s) and as being in the best interest of the debtor(s).
9 The Court grants the motion of the debtor(s) under 11 U.S.C. § 524(k)(8) and approves the
reaffirmation agreement described above.
9 The Court does not disapprove the reaffirmation agreement under 11 U.S.C. § 524(m).
9 The Court disapproves the reaffirmation agreement under 11 U.S.C. § 524(m).
9 The Court does not approve the reaffirmation agreement.
[Court use only:]
Date [Court use only]: _____________
United States Bankruptcy Judge
American LegalNet, Inc.