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UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURTWESTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORKPETITION FOR ADMISSION TO PRACTICE INSTRUCTION SHEETAdmission to Practice in Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of New York, is governed by LocalRule 2090-1. Attorneys seeking to practice in U.S. Bankruptcy Court must FIRST be admitted in U.S.District Court for the Western District of New York. The U.S. Bankruptcy Court requires:1.the attached Petition for Admission to Practice Form be properly filled out and typewritten. The form should include full address with zip code, the admission date in District Court, and should be notarized; and 2.the Petition for Admission to Practice Form be returned to: U.S. Bankruptcy CourtAttn: Lisa CzajaBuffalo, New York 14202 A Certificate of Admission will be provided to you upon completion of the above requirements. Attorneys are directed to this Court222s website: for important information relating topractice before this Court, such as local rules, standing orders, calendars, Judges222 Decisions, motion practiceand forms. This site is updated regularly and you are strongly encouraged to visit it often for the most currentinformation. American LegalNet, Inc. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURTWESTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORKIn the Matter of the Application of ADMISSION TO PRACTICE Name: To be Admitted to Practice as an Attorney in this Court.TO THE CLERK OF THE U.S. BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK: , petitioner herein, respectfully states:1.That petitioner resides at andhas an office for the practice of law at atthe law firm of .2.That petitioner was admitted to practice before the United States District Court for the Western District of NewYork on the day of , 20.3.That petitioner has read and is familiar with:(a)the provisions of the Judicial Code 28 U.S.C. 247 1334, 247247 151 - 158, 247247 1408 - 1412, and 247 1452, whichpertain to jurisdiction over and venue of bankruptcy cases, proceedings and matters;(b)the Bankruptcy Code, Title 11 U.S.C.;(c)the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure;(d)the Local Rules of Bankruptcy Practice for the Western District of New York; and(e)the Administrative Procedures.WHEREFORE, your petitioner respectfully requests that he/she be admitted as an attorney in the United StatesBankruptcy Court for the Western District of New York. , being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he/she is the petitioner herein; thathe/she has read the foregoing petition; that the same is true to petitioner's own knowledge except as to the matters statedto be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he/she believes it to be true.OATH: I , do solemnly swear(or affirm) that as an attorney and as a counselor ofthis Court, I will conduct myself uprightly and according to law, and that I will support the Constitution of the UnitedStates. Sworn to before me this daySignature of Petitionerof , 20()Telephone Number Notary PublicEmail Address Note: All Petitions are to be verified and typewritten. American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc.