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CM-ECF Attorney Registration Form. This is a New York form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: CM-ECF Attorney Registration Form, New York Federal, Bankruptcy Court
This form will be used by a licensed attorney to register for the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of New York
Electronic Case Files System (ECF System). A registered attorney will be provided attorney access level privileges to file
documents electronically, and to view and retrieve docket sheets and documents for all cases assigned to the Western District
Bankruptcy Court’s ECF System. (NOTE: A PACER account is necessary for access to files and documents. You may
register for a PACER account either online at or by calling 1-800-676-6856).
First/Middle/Last Name:
NYS Bar “Attorney Registration Number”:
[Listed on Biennial Registration Receipt]
Dated Admitted to Practice in U.S. District Court for the WDNY:
Dated Admitted to Practice in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the WDNY:
Firm Name, if applicable
Mailing Address:
Voice Phone Number:
Fax Phone Number:
Internet E-MAIL Address:
Send Notices to these additional E-MAIL Addresses: __________________________________________________________
Send Electronic Notice (check one)
9 Each Filing
9 End of Day Summary
Send Electronic Notice in the following format (check one):
9 HTML for Webmail providers, e.g., Google, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL
9 Text for Outlook, Outlook Express, Lotus Notes, other (please list):
I have a current Trading Partner agreement for Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing: 9 Yes 9 No
If yes, I wish to continue to receive notices through EBN via: 9 EDI 9 Fax or,
9 I wish to discontinue EDI or FAX service provided through EBN
In order to schedule you for the appropriate training class, please indicate your type of legal practice.
9 Debtor
9 Creditor
9 Trustee
9 Other (please specify)________________________.
American LegalNet, Inc.
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By submitting this registration form the applicant agrees to adhere to the following:
This access is for use only in ECF cases filed in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of New York. It may
be used to file and view electronic documents, docket sheets, and reports. NOTE: A PACER account is necessary
for this access and the registration information is referenced above.
Rule 9011 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (“Bankruptcy Rules”) requires that every pleading, motion, and
other paper (except lists, schedules, statements, or amendments thereto) filed with Court be signed by at least one
attorney of record or, if the party is not represented by an attorney, by the party. The unique password issued to a
participant identifies that participant to the Court each time he or she logs onto the ECF System. The use of a
participant’s password constitutes a signature for purposes of Bankruptcy Rule 9011 on any document or pleading filed
electronically using that participant’s password. Therefore, a participant must protect and secure the password issued
by the Court. If there is any reason to suspect the password has been compromised, it is the duty of the participant to
immediately change his or her password through the “Utilities” menu in the ECF System. After doing so, the participant
must contact the Clerk’s Office to report the suspected password compromise.
Registration will constitute a request and an agreement to receive notice of pleadings and other papers from the Clerk
of Court electronically pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9036, where notice of pleadings and other papers is otherwise
permitted by first class mail, postage prepaid.
I understand that by submitting an application for a password I agree to adhere to all of the rules and regulations in the
WDNY Administrative Order for Filing, Signing, and Verifying Pleadings and Papers by Electronic Means currently in
effect, and any changes or additions that may be made to such Administrative Orders. The Court may periodically post
announcements and updates to the Court’s website that are pertinent to CM/ECF practice and use.
I assume all responsibility and liability for the payment of all applicable filing fees due at the time the document is
electronically filed.
I understand that prior to electronically filing any document with the Court, I must obtain the original signature of the party
or parties I represent on a paper copy of the document and that I must retain the original of that signed document for the
length of time set forth in the Administrative Procedures.
I understand that prior to the electronic filing of a petition, I must obtain the original signature(s) of the debtor(s) I
represent on a paper copy of the Statement of Social Security Number(s), (Official Form B21), and that I must retain the
original of that signed document for the length of time set forth in the Administrative Procedures. I also understand I must
compare the Social Security number(s) provided by the debtor(s) on Official Form B21 to the numbers entered into the
Court’s ECF System to ensure they are the same.
I understand that should I enter into a Trading Partner Agreement to receive notices via Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing
by EDI or fax in addition to e-mail service through the Court’s ECF System, that I must notify the Court in writing. Failure
to advise the Court will result in my receipt of notice through the Court’s ECF System only.
My signature below constitutes my affirmation that I am an attorney holding a current and valid license to practice law.
Applicant’s Signature
Last four Digits of Social Security Number (for security purposes)
Privacy Disclaimer: The information contained within this application will not be sold or otherwise distributed by this office to
outside sources.
Please return this form to the New York Western Office at: U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Attention: Clerk of Court, Olympic
Towers, 300 Pearl Street, Suite 250, Buffalo, NY 14202.
Rev. 10/15/10
American LegalNet, Inc.
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