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CM-ECF Creditor-Limited Filing Registration Form. This is a New York form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: CM-ECF Creditor-Limited Filing Registration Form, New York Federal, Bankruptcy Court
This form is to be used to register for LIMITED ACCESS FILER PRIVILEGES to file and view documents electronically using the
Electronic Case Files System (ECF System) in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of New York. (NOTE: A PACER
account is necessary for access to files and documents. You may register for a PACER account either online at or by calling 1-800-676-6856).
First/Middle/Last Name:
Company/Firm Name:
Mailing Address:
Voice Phone Number:
Fax Phone Number:
Internet E-Mail Address:
Send Notice to these additional E-Mail Addresses:
By submitting this registration form the applicant certifies under penalty of perjury that he or she is authorized to submit this
registration form on behalf of the Company/firm identified above and agrees to adhere to the following:
This access is for use only of cases filed in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of New York. It may be used to file
and view electronic documents, docket sheets and reports. NOTE: A PACER account is necessary for this access and the
registration information is referenced above.
Rule 9011 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (“Bankruptcy Rules”) require that every pleading, motion, and other
paper (except lists, schedules, statements, or amendments thereto) filed with Court be signed by at least one attorney of record or,
if the party is not represented by an attorney, by the party. The unique password issued by the Court to a participant identifies
that participant to the Court each time he or she logs onto the ECF System. The use of a participant’s password constitute a
signature for the purposes of Bankruptcy Rule 9011, on any document or pleading filed electronically using that participant’s
password. Therefore, a participant must protect and secure the password issued by the Court. If there is any reason to suspect the
password has been compromised, it is the duty of the participant to immediately change their password through the “Utilities”
menu in the ECF System. After doing so, the participant must contact the Clerk’s Office to report the suspected compromise of
the password.
I understand that a signature will be indicated by “/s/” and the typed name of the person signing in the following format: “/s/ Jane
Smith” on the signature line. The ECF password constitutes my signature. The login and password for filing with the Court
over the internet will be used by me and by any of my employees to whom I give authorization. I will not knowingly permit my
login and password to be used by anyone who is not so authorized.
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American LegalNet, Inc.
Registration will constitute a request and an agreement to receive notice of pleadings and other papers from the Clerk of Court
electronically pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9036, where notice of pleadings and other papers is otherwise permitted by first class
mail, postage prepaid. I agree to maintain a current postal address to receive notification from the Bankruptcy Noticing Center.
I understand that, by submitting an application for a password, I agree to adhere to all of the rules and procedures of the U.S.
Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of New York concerning the use of the ECF System, set forth in the Administrative
Procedures for Filing, Signing, and Verifying Pleadings and Papers Filed by Electronic Means. I also understand that the Court
may periodically post announcements and updates to the Court’s website that are pertinent to ECF practice and use.
I understand that the use of my login and password in filing a document containing the signature of another person is my
representation to the Court that, to the best of my knowledge, the document is a true and correct copy of the original document
bearing such other person’s signature. I also understand that I must retain the original of the signed document for the length of
time set forth in the Administrative Procedures.
As a participant with limited filing privileges, participant will only have access in ECF to perform limited transactions including
transactions relating to Claims, Reaffirmation Agreements, and Notice of Appearance. The Court reserves the right to add or
remove options available to the participant, as deemed necessary.
The Company/Firm will be responsible for adding correct name and address information to the creditor mailing matrix for
receipt of notices.
Applicant’s Signature
Last four digits of Social Security Number (for security purposes)
Privacy Disclaimer: The information contained within this application will not be sold or otherwise distributed by this office to outside
Return my login and password by: 9 Email to the following address: _________________________________________
Please return the completed form to:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Olympic Towers
300 Pearl Street, Suite 250
Attn: Clerk of Court
Buffalo, New York 14202
Rev. October 15, 2010
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American LegalNet, Inc.