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Cover Sheet Sections 1229 And 1329 Modifications Of Ch 12 Or Ch 13 Plan Form. This is a New York form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Cover Sheet Sections 1229 And 1329 Modifications Of Ch 12 Or Ch 13 Plan, New York Federal, Bankruptcy Court
COVER SHEET (To summarize information set forth in the motion) �1229 & �1329 Modifications of a Chapter 12 or Chapter 13 Plan Return Date of Motion: __________________________________________ Debtor: _____________________________________________ Case No. ________________ Chapter: _____ Debtor's Attorney: ___________________________________ Trustee:_________________________________ Date Debtor's Petition Filed: __________________ For All Motions 1. Brief description of confirmed plan: $ ___________ per ______ Date Plan was Confirmed: ___________________________ Week; ____ Month; _____ Biweekly For a period of __________ months _______ years Estimated distribution to Unsecured Creditors __________ %; Other _________________________________ 2. The debtor(s) have moved to modify their confirmed plan and request that the Court order the following modifications (more than one may be applicable): ___ (a) Reduce payments from _________ per month to ________ per month and forgive prior defaults, if any ___ (b) Increase payments from _________ per month to ________ per month ___ (c) Change term of payment to _______ months from the commencement date of the original plan. ___ (d) Cause unsecured creditors dividend to be reduced from ______ % to _____ % / pro-rata share of the allowed unsecured claims within the modification term of the plan. ___ (e) Suspend plan payments for ______ months and cure the suspended payments by thereafter increasing plan payments to ______ per month or extending the plan term by the number of months the suspension lasted. ___ (f) Other relief requested __________________________________________________________________ 3. Are professional fees requested? _____ Yes _____ No; If Yes, for what amount: $ __________________ _____ No (a) Has a supplemental 2016(b) statement been filed? _____ Yes (b) Are fees paid inside the plan? ______ Yes ______ No 4. The debtor(s) amended budget is attached hereto and made a part hereof. _______ Yes _______ No 5. Have the debtor(s) sought relief under �1229 or �1329 prior to this motion? _______ Yes ________ No If yes, date of order granting such modification and a brief explanation. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. COVER SHEET continued... �1229 & �1329 Modifications of a Chapter 12 or Chapter 13 Plan PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: 1. This cover sheet must accompany every �1229 & �1329 motion served on all parties and filed with this court for the purpose of assisting the court in its review of your papers. A copy of the cover sheet must also be filed upon the standing chapter 12/13 trustee. Failure to do so will result in your papers being returned to you unprocessed. 2. Every motion must be accompanied by the following: a) a proposed order which is an exhibit to the motion to be served on all parties, b) an original order to be submitted to the court for determination and subsequent entry, and c) the amended budget. American LegalNet, Inc.