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UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURTWESTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK In reCase No.:Chapter:SSN/Tax ID:NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S INTENT TO SELL FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL LIENS AND FIXING TIME TO SUBMIT COMPETING BIDS; REQUEST AN AUCTION; FILE OBJECTIONS TO THE TRUSTEE222S PROPOSED ACTIONS AND/OR REQUEST A HEARINGTO THE DEBTOR(S), CREDITORS AND PARTIES IN INTEREST:PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Trustee, , has filed a statement with the courtof his/her intention to sell his/her right, title and interest in and to the property described below free and clear ofall liens and encumbrances:To:For the sum of: $Dated: Trustee is fixed as the last date to submit a competing bid; request an auction regarding thissale; file objections to the actions proposed by the trustee; and/or request a hearing on the actions proposed by theTrustee. The Trustee will sell his interest in the described property by virtue of his statutory powers without furtherOrder of the Court absent any action by any party on or before the deadline set herein.Notice is further given that the original statement, which may include more comprehensive information, ison file with the Clerk of the Court and may be reviewed at this office during regular business hours.Dated:PAUL R. WARRENClerk, U.S. Bankruptcy CourtRevised 12/1/07 American LegalNet, Inc.