Attendance And Transcripts Of United States Court Reporters
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Attendance And Transcripts Of United States Court Reporters Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Miscellaneous Federal District.
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Tags: Attendance And Transcripts Of United States Court Reporters, AO 40A, Official Federal Forms Federal District, Miscellaneous
Administrative Office of the United States Courts ATTENDANCE AND TRANSCRIPTS OF UNITED STATES COURT REPORTERS1.NAME OF REPORTER *2.EMPLOYEE ID *QUARTER ENDED *4.DISTRICT *5.OFFICIAL DUTY STATION6.40-HOUR TOUR OF DUTYYesNo 7a. PLACE (CITY) OF ATTENDANCE7b. NUMBEROF DAYS7.TIME SPENT RECORDING COURTPROCEEDINGS(All days and hours shouldbe rounded up to the nextwhole number.)7c. TOTAL RECORDING DAYSRECORDINGBEFORENUMBER OF HOURSTHE COURTTRANSCRIPTS TOWITHOUT CHARGE12.12a. Certified transcripts of arraignments, pleas and sentences in criminal court - number of original pages12b. Certified transcripts requested by a judge or other judicial officer - number of original pages. 14 DAY 11e. TOTAL PAGES 3. YEAR * 12c. Realtime pages provided to court (non-certified & certified)***REALTIME (Do not include realtime transcripts produced by non-certified realtime reporter. Report this data in block 12.c) AO 4OA (Rev. 05/2018) OTHER SPECIFY: 8a. Court Reporting: 8b. Other Duties:9a. Hours with Non-Salary Compensation: 9b. Other Hours: 3 DAY American LegalNet, Inc. transcribed and delivered as of the end of the quarter. 13.BACKLOG13 a&b. Estimated number of pages of transcription on order more than 30 days, but not13a. CIVIL 13c. DATE13 c&d. Include dates of the oldest unfilled orders.13b. CRIMINAL13d. DATE14.SIGNATURE15.DATE16. SIGNATURE17.DATE(All previous editions of this form are cancelled and should be destroyed.)REVIEW BY COURT OFFICIAL Individual reviewing this form should sign in theCERTIFICATION BY COURT REPORTER: By signing this form, I certify underpenalty of perjury pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 247 1746 that the foregoing is true and provided. Reject AO40A Form For Official Use OnlyCourt Official Comments OnlyAO 4OA (Rev. 05/2018) American LegalNet, Inc.