Certificate Of Official Court Reporter
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Certificate Of Official Court Reporter Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Miscellaneous Federal District.
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Tags: Certificate Of Official Court Reporter, AO 35, Official Federal Forms Federal District, Miscellaneous
AO 35 (03/10) Certificate of Official Court Reporter
for the
__________ District of __________
Arraignments, Pleas, and Sentencing Proceedings
, certify that I am a duly appointed
I, (print full name)
Official Court Reporter for the United States district court named above, and that I was present in the courtroom of this
court on (date)
. On this date during the regular course of my profession, I made electronic sound
recording(s) of the proceedings, for the following cases:
Name of Defendant
Docket Number
Nature of Proceeding
(Arraignment, plea, sentence)
I have played back the recording and certify that it is a true and correct record of the proceedings, that it is
sufficiently intelligible when played on (machine or equipment – make and model or format)
that it can be transcribed without undue difficulty, and that I have filed the original recording with the clerk of court.
I further certify that I have filed my original steno-notes, stenomask recordings, or other original records taken of
these proceedings with the clerk as required by 28 USC § 753(b).
(Court Reporter’s Signature)
American LegalNet, Inc.