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Invoice Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Miscellaneous Federal District.
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Tags: Invoice, AO 44, Official Federal Forms Federal District, Miscellaneous
AO 44 (Rev. 04/18)UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTfor the District of INVOICENUMBERTO: MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: PHONE: PHONE:FAX:TRANSCRIPTS DATE ORDEREDDATE DELIVEREDCRIMINALCIVILIN THE MATTER OF (CASE NUMBER AND TITLE)CHARGESCATEGORYORIGINAL1ST COPYADDITIONAL COPIESTOTALCHARGESPAGESPRICE @SUBTOTALPAGESPRICE @SUBTOTALPAGESPRICE @SUBTOTALOrdinary14-DayExpedited3-DayDaily HourlyRealtimeFor proceedings on (Date):TOTALLESS DISCOUNT FOR LATE DELIVERYADD AMOUNT OF DEPOSITAMOUNT DUE (OR REFUND)ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONFull price may be charged only if the transcript is delivered within the required time frame. For example, if an order for expedited transcriptis not completed and delivered within (7) calendar days, payment would be at the 14-day delivery rate, and if not completed and delivered within14 days, payment would be at the ordinary delivery rate.CERTIFICATIONI certify that the transcript fees charged and page format used comply with the requirements of this court and the Judicial Conference of theUnited States.SIGNATURE OF OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERDATEDISTRIBUTION: TO PARTY (2 copies - 1 to be returned with payment) COURT REPORTER COURT REPORTER SUPERVISOR American LegalNet, Inc.