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Accounting Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Lake County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Accounting Form, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Lake
Probate Court of Lake County Mark J. Bartolotta, Judge Doc________ ____ Page___________ ___________________________________________ Account _________________________________________ ____________________Trustee_________________ of the ___________Trust______________ Charges_______ self as follows: Accounting period from _________________________________ to ____________________________________ (balance from previous account) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ of ______________________________________________ Prepared by Attorney's Name______________________ Address_____________________________ Phone No.___________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. Recapitulation Total receipts_________________________________________ Total disbursements___________________________________ Balance due__________________________________________ $_____________________ $_____________________ $_____________________ Itemized Statement of all funds, assets and investments (at the time of filing this account) Name Numbers ID Value Bank Certificate N.B. Must be executed when funds are on deposit I HEREBY CERTIFY that the within named fiduciary, on the date named below, had a deposit in The_____________________________________ of ____________________________________, Ohio the sum of $____________ on _________________________________ to the credit of the estate of Nature of deposit ____________________________________ _________________________________________ Bank Dated _______________________ 20______ By_________________________________ Cashier _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Trustee American LegalNet, Inc.