Dispensing With A New Appraisement Ond Ordering Bond
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Dispensing With A New Appraisement Ond Ordering Bond Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Lake County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Dispensing With A New Appraisement Ond Ordering Bond, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Lake
Mark J. Bartolotta, Judge Probate Court of Lake County, Ohio IN THE MATTER OF _________________________________________________, Case No._______________________________ Docket__________________ Page_____ Judgment Entry Proceeding to Sell Real Estate Revised Code Sec. 2127.22-.32 ___________________________________ as_________________________________ of the_____________________________of ___________________________________ vs. Plaintiff ____________________________________ et. al., Defendant ____ Dispensing With A New Appraisement and Ordering Bond __________________________________20______ This matter coming on to be heard upon the petition of the plaintiff for authority to sell real estate of the above decedent to pay______________of__________estate, and the answer of_______________________________________, guardian ad litem of __________________________ minor ________, the answer of ___________________ trustee for the suit of ________________________, the answer and cross petition of _______________________________, the surviving spouse of said decedent, the answer and cross-petition of the defendant,________________________________, mortgagee. The Court finds all the defendants herein have been duly and legally served with process, or have voluntarily entered their appearance and consent to the sale prayed for, and are properly before the Court; that the prayer of the petition should be granted; that the real estate described in the petition was appraised by the appraisers of the estate at________________________________________Dollars, and that a further appraisement is dispensed with. The Court further finds that the bond heretofore given by the plaintiff as___________________of the estate of ___________________________, in the amount of__________________________ Dollars, is insufficient and it is ordered that ____file an additional bond with sufficient sureties to be approved by this Court, in the sum of Dollars; ______________________________________ Judge Prepared by: Attorney's name__________________________ Address_________________________________ Phone No._______________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com