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Order Of Private Sale Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Lake County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Order Of Private Sale, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Lake
Probate Court of Lake County, Ohio Mark J. Bartolotta, Judge In the matter of___________________________________________________________ Case Number___________________Docket______________________Page__________ _________________________, __________ Order of Private Sale Revised Code, Sec. 2127.29-.32 To_____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________Greeting: In obedience to an order and decree of the Court of Common Pleas, Probate Division, within and for said County, made this day, in a certain cause wherein you as____________________________________________________________are Plaintiff And____________________________________________________et al are Defendants, You are commanded to proceed according to law, to sell at Private Sale, for not less than______________________________________________________ the appraised value thereof, the following described premises, to-wit: Said sale to be upon the following terms:_________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. You are therefore herby commanded to execute the aforementioned order and decree of our said Court in all respects according to law, and of your proceeding herein make due to this court. WITNESS my signature and the seal of said Court at _________________________________ , Ohio, this _________________ day of____________,_______ __________________________ Judge __________________________ Deputy Clerk Return Common Pleas Court, Probate Division, ____________________________County, Ohio In obedience to the foregoing order, I have caused the same to be duly executed as will fully appear by the proceedings hereto attached. Dated the ___________ day of_________________________,________ ______________________________ Report of Private Sale In obedience to the command of the within order of sale, I did on the __________ Day of_____________________________, ___________, offer said property, at private sale, and _________________________________________________ having offered therefore the sum of _____________________________________ Dollars ($_____________) and the same being not less than the appraised value of said property, I sold the same to said _____________________________________________________ for that sum. Dated the ___________ day of_________________________,________ __________________________________ Affidavit to Report of Private Sale The State of Ohio,_______________________________ County, ss. ____________________________________________________________, being duly sworn, says that the private sale of property made under the within order and reported above, was made after diligent endeavor to obtain the best price for said property, and that the sale reported is for the highest price that could be obtained. Sworn to before me and signed in my presence ___________ day of ___________, _____________________________________ Notary _____________________________________ Deputy Clerk American LegalNet, Inc.