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OCCAOnline Rules of the Court of Criminal Appeals Form 13.1 Motion to Check Out Material [Use style of case in which filed] IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS FOR THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ) Appellant, ) ) vs. ) ) ____________________________, ) ) MOTION TO CHECK OUT MATERIAL Appellee. ) ____________________________, No. ______ ________________________, attorney for ________________________ moves for permission to check out the following material (Itemize each item requested): 1. ___________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________ It is understood that if permission to check out material is granted, movant will be responsible for the safekeeping of the above listed items and is responsible for assuring that the items are returned to the Court in the same condition and form in which they were received by movant. Movant shall return the above listed items to the Court of Criminal Appeals on or before the date specified in the Order, but in no event more than five (5) business days from the issuance of the Court's Order. _________________________ Movant _________________________ Address _________________________ ____________________ Bar Number ORDER Permission is granted for movant to check out the above listed items. The movant is responsible for the safekeeping and integrity of the items while they are in movant's custody. The items are to be returned to the Court by __________, 19____. American LegalNet, Inc. The Court Clerk shall prepare an itemized list of the items received and require the movant to execute an acknowledgement of the receipt. If the materials are mailed, the Court Clerk shall certify the items mailed. The completed itemized receipt shall be filed with this Order. When the movant returns the material to the Court, movant shall submit an affidavit listing the items checked out, the date the items were checked out, the date on which the items were returned, and certifying that movant is returning the items in the same condition and form in which movant checked them out. _________________________ Judge RECEIPT I hereby certify that I received the above items on the __________ day of __________, 19____. I further acknowledge that the above listed items must be returned in the same condition and form to the Clerk of the Court of Criminal Appeals on __________, 19____, and that I will provide an affidavit to the Court certifying the same. I assume sole responsibility for the safekeeping and return of the above listed items. _________________________ Movant RETURN RECEIPT I hereby acknowledge that the above items were returned to the Court on the __________ day of __________, 19____, and that movant, __________, filed, with the returned items, an affidavit certifying that movant is returning the items in the same condition and form in which movant checked them out. _________________________ For the Court LIST OF ITEMS CHECKED OUT __________ v. State, Case No. __________ Movant acknowledges that on the __________ day of __________, 19____, movant received the following items from the Clerk of the Court of Criminal Appeals. 1. 2. 3. Movant further acknowledges that the above listed items must be returned in the same condition and form to the Clerk of the Court of Criminal Appeals on __________, 19____, and that movant will provide an affidavit to the Court certifying the same. Movant assumes sole responsibility for the safekeeping and return of the above listed items. _________________________ Movant American LegalNet, Inc.