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IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR ______________________ COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA ____________________________________________ Plaintiff, - vs ____________________________________________ Defendant, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) No. NOTICE REGARDING APPRAISER'S REPORT IN SURFACE DAMAGE PROCEEDING TO: You will take notice that court-appointed appraisers filed in this case on the _______________ day of __________________________, 20 __________ , their report concerning the amount, if any, of certain surface damages. A copy of this report, as it pertains to the subject tract of land in which you have an interest, is attached to this notice. If you wish to resent a legal challenge to the attached report, you or your lawyer must file a written exception to the appraisers' report in this office at the courthouse not later than thirty (30) days after the date the attached report was filed. Should you desire a jury trial on the amount of damages to be assessed, you or your lawyer must file a written demand for a trial by jury in this office at the courthouse not later than sixty (60) days after the date the attached report was filed. If you fail to file an exception to the attached report or a demand for jury trial within the time limits given in this notice, the appraiser' report shall be deemed true and correct as to all contents thereof, and your right to object to and challenge said report shall be deemed waived. __________________________________________________ (Name of town and date of notice) ___________________________________________ Court Clerk _______________________________________________County BY: _________________________________________________ (Deputy) I certify that a copy hereof was mailed by me this date, postage prepaid, to each of the persons herein named at the address above indicated, or, in the alternative, published on this date as by law provided. ____________________________________ Date AOC Form 80 Revised 10/05 ____________________________________ Court Clerk American LegalNet, Inc.