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In the District Court of ______________________ County State of Oklahoma Re: Application of ______________________ for License as a Statewide Private Process Server ) ) ) No. _______________ Order Granting Application for Statewide Private Process Server License Now on this ______ day of ________________________, 20_____, this matter comes before the Court on the applicant's request for statewide private process server license. The Court finds that the application was duly and regularly filed; that the required fees have been paid to the Court Clerk; that thirty (30) days' notice of said hearing was continually posted either on the website of the county, or in the Courthouse by the Court Clerk; that notice of said hearing was published in a legal newspaper of this county; that a copy of the notice was mailed by the Court Clerk to the District Attorney, Sheriff, and the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; and that it appears the applicant is qualified pursuant to the provisions of 12 O.S. � 158.1. The application for a statewide license to serve process issued in civil cases for service within the State of Oklahoma is hereby granted, and the Court Clerk shall issue a license to the applicant. The license effective date shall be the date of this Order, as shown above. Upon filing the required statutory bond, the applicant shall be authorized and licensed to serve civil process in the state. IT IS SO ORDERED. ____________________________________ Judge of the District Court AOC Form - Order Granting Process Server License. Effective Jan. 1, 2013. American LegalNet, Inc.