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ORDER OF PROTECTION TYPE OF ORDER Final Order Continued Order Amended Order/Interim Order Petitioner Additional Petitioner Information Name(s) and age(s) of minor family member(s) __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ District Court of ___________ County State of Oklahoma Case No. _________________ Court Phone Number (___)_____________ __________________________________ First Middle Last and/or on behalf of minor family member(s) Defendant Identifiers -VSDefendant EYES HAIR DISTINGUISHING FEATURES SEX RACE DOB HT WT __________________________________ First Middle Last Relationship to Petitioner: __________________ DRIVERS LICENSE # STATE EXPIRES Defendant's Address (Street address, City, State, Zip Code) Other A. CAUTION: (Clerk's File Stamp Below) Weapon Involved � Type: ____________________ Weapon Present on Property Unknown if Weapon Present B. THE COURT FINDS: 1) That it has jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter. 2) That the Defendant has been provided with reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard. 3) That a Final Order of Protection is necessary to protect the Petitioner(s) from domestic abuse, stalking, or harassment. 4) Additional terms of this Order follow on succeeding pages. American LegalNet, Inc. C. THE COURT ORDERS THE FOLLOWING RELIEF (as specifically marked in check boxes below): 1) FINAL ORDER � NO FINDING OF DOMESTIC ABUSE AND/OR STALKING OF INTIMATE PARTNER OR CHILD. Federal firearms prohibition does not apply. FINAL ORDER � DOMESTIC ABUSE AND/OR STALKING. Following the hearing of which Defendant had actual notice and opportunity to appear and respond, the Court finds that the Defendant represents a credible threat to the physical safety of an intimate partner or child. Defendant is prohibited from possession of firearms or ammunition for the term of this Order. NOTICE: Federal Firearm Prohibition: Federal law provides penalties for possessing, transporting, shipping or receiving any firearm or ammunition (18 U.S.C. �922(g)(8)) while subject to a court order requested by an intimate partner or their child, with penalty up to $250,000 fine and 10 years in prison. Validity: This Order shall have statewide and nationwide validity unless specifically modified or terminated by a judge of the district courts (22 O.S.�60.7). This Order shall be enforced, even without registration or filing, by the courts of any state, the District of Columbia, any U.S. Territory, or Indian Tribe (18 U.S.C. �2265). Crossing state, territorial or tribal boundaries to violate this Order may result in federal imprisonment (18 U.S.C. �2262). 3) Duration: This Final Protective Order shall remain in effect until __________________________ or for a period not to exceed five years from the date of issue, unless extended, modified or rescinded by the Court upon Motion or agreement. *Pursuant to 22 O.S. 60.4 (G)(1)(a), if the Defendant is incarcerated the protective order remains in effect during the period of incarceration and the period of incarceration shall not be included in the calculation of the five-year time limitation. OR: The Court finds that one or more of the conditions set forth in 22 O.S. 60.4 (G)(1)(b) exists in the present matter, and therefore this Final Protective Order shall be continuous without expiration until modified, vacated or rescinded. 2) 3a) 3b) 4) Defendant is prohibited from attempting or having ANY CONTACT whatsoever with the Petitioner, hereinafter "protected person," either in person, through others or by telephone, Order of Protection - AOC Form � November 1, 2012 Page 2 of 6 American LegalNet, Inc. mail, electronic means, or any other manner, at any time or place unless specifically authorized by the Court. 5) Defendant is prohibited from injuring, abusing, sexually assaulting, molesting, harassing, stalking, threatening, or otherwise interfering with the protected person(s), and from use, attempted use or threatened use of physical force against the protected person(s) that would reasonably be expected to cause bodily injury. 6) Defendant is prohibited from engaging in other conduct that would place the protected person(s) in reasonable fear of bodily injury to the protected person(s) or the protected person(s) household members or relatives. 7) Defendant is ordered to leave and remain away from the residence located at:__________________________________, ____________, Oklahoma, on or before the ____ day of ____________, 20__ at __________ a.m./p.m., and take no action to change utilities or telephone service. 8a) If this Order is served upon Defendant at the residence to be vacated, Law Enforcement Officers shall remain at the residence until Defendant removes necessary clothing and personal effects and leaves the premises. 8b) If this Order is served upon Defendant at a location other than the residence to be vacated, Law Enforcement Officers shall accompany the Defendant to the residence and remain in attendance until Defendant removes necessary clothing and personal effects and leaves the premises. Defendant is ordered NOT to go to the residence to remove necessary clothing and personal effects unless Law Enforcement Officers are present as stated in this paragraph. 9) Law Enforcement officers shall accompany the Petitioner (i.e. provide a "civil standby") to the current or recent past residence to remove necessary clothing and personal effects, and remain in attendance until Petitioner leaves the premises. Such residence is located at the following address: ________________________________________________________________________ 10) Defendant who is a minor, is ordered to leave the residence located at ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Order of Protection - AOC Form � November 1, 2012 Page 3 of 6 American LegalNet, Inc. (address, city, state) and shall be immediately placed in custody of ______________________________________________ pursuant to 10A O.S. �2-2101(A), and a preliminary inquiry in a juvenile proceeding is hereby ordered to determine whether further court action pursuant to the Oklahoma Juvenile Code should be taken against the juvenile defendant. � Circle Age of Minor Defendant: 13 14 15 16 17 11) There is an existing visitation order, and in order to prot