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Order For Settlement Conference Form. This is a Oklahoma form and can be use in Supreme Court Statewide.
Tags: Order For Settlement Conference, 19, Oklahoma Statewide, Supreme Court
Rule 1.301, Form No. 19 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) , Plaintiff/Appell_____ vs. , Defendant/Appell_____ No. ORDER FOR SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE Parties, interested non-parties and counsel in this appeal are invited to participate in a settlement conference pursuant to Part VIII, Oklahoma Supreme Court Rules. All parties and their counsel shall appear for settlement conference on __________ (date), at __________ (time), at ____________________ (location). If a party chooses not to participate in the procedure, a motion must be filed within _____ days of the order requesting that the order for settlement conference be withdrawn. The settlement conference judge will be: Name and title: ____________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Email Address: ___________________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________________________ Fax: ____________________________________________________________ Counsel shall timely advise any interested non-party of this order. The settlement conference shall be conducted in accordance the Procedures and Guidelines for Appellate Settlement Conference set forth in Rule 1.251, Oklahoma Civil Appellate Rules. Written settlement conference statements shall be provided in advance by each party as required by the Procedures and Guidelines, Rule 1.251(g). The parties and interested non-parties shall each be represented at the settlement American LegalNet, Inc. conference by someone with full settlement authority. Counsel and parties shall be prepared to: (l) discuss the facts and issues involved in this appeal, (2) provide copies of any pertinent statutes, orders, transcripts and other relevant materials, and (3) suggest possible terms for settlement. Information disclosed to the conference judge and counsel and other parties during the process shall be regarded as confidential, shall not be placed in the court file in this case, and shall not be disclosed to any person who is not a participant in the conference. DATED this ___ day of ____________________, 20____. ______________________________ CHIEF JUSTICE American LegalNet, Inc.