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Petition For Certiorari Certified Interlocutory Order Form. This is a Oklahoma form and can be use in Supreme Court Statewide.
Tags: Petition For Certiorari Certified Interlocutory Order, 7, Oklahoma Statewide, Supreme Court
Rule 1.301, Form No. 7 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ,) ) Plaintiff/[Petitioner or Respondent], ) vs. ) ) ,) ) Defendant/[Petitioner or Respondent]. ) No. PETITION FOR CERTIORARI CERTIFIED INTERLOCUTORY ORDER A. Trial Court History Court: __________________________________________________________________ Case No.: _______________________________________________________________ County: _________________________________________________________________ Judge: __________________________________________________________________ Date of the order to be reviewed: _____________________________________________ Date of certification by the trial judge of the order to be reviewed ___________________ B. Disposition in the Trial Court Brief description of the nature of the case: _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Attach as Exhibit "A" a certified copy of the order to be reviewed. If the order was certified for review in a separate order, both orders must be attached. C. Summary of Case Not to exceed two 8 � " x 11" double spaced pages. Exhibit "B" attached. The summary of the case should explain why this order is worthy of the Supreme Court's consideration at this time. Citations to relevant statutory or decisional authority should be included. American LegalNet, Inc. D. Issues and Errors Proposed to be Raised on Appeal if Certiorari is Granted: State with specificity each point of law urged as error. 1. Exhibit "C" attached: ______________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________ Allegation of error, general in nature (conclusional) or "shot gun" (all encompassing) such as "Decision is contrary to law and evidence" will not suffice. ANY RELATED OR PRIOR APPEALS _____ YES _____ NO If so, identify by style, citation if any, and Supreme Court number: Style Number Citation E. 1. Is a stay of the proceedings in the trial court sought? _____ Yes _____ No If yes, briefly state the reasons and the necessity therefor with a list of authorities: Exhibit "D" attached (not to exceed one 8 �" x 11" double spaced page). 2.a. Did petitioner ask the trial court for a stay of proceedings? _____ Yes _____ No 2.b. Did the trial court grant a stay of proceedings? _____ Yes _____ No _____ N/A F. ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT Name: OBA No.: Firm: Designated Case-Specific Email Address: [if applicable] Secondary Email Address: [if applicable] Address: Telephone: ATTORNEY FOR APPELLEE Name: OBA No.: Firm: Designated Case-Specific Email Address: [if applicable] Secondary Email Address: [if applicable] Address: Telephone: American LegalNet, Inc. Verified by (Signature of Attorney or Pro Se Party) OBA No. Firm Designated Case-Specific Email Address [if applicable] Secondary Email Address [if applicable] Address Telephone DATE: ____________________ 20_____ G. CERTIFICATE OF MAILING TO PARTIES AND DISTRICT COURT CLERK I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Petition for Certiorari was mailed this _____ day of ____________________ 20_____, by depositing it in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid or by electronic mail to ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ I further certify that copy of the above and foregoing Petition for Certiorari was mailed to, or filed in, the Office of the Clerk of _________________________ on the _____ day of ____________________ 20_____. American LegalNet, Inc.