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Report Of Settlement Conference Form. This is a Oklahoma form and can be use in Supreme Court Statewide.
Tags: Report Of Settlement Conference, 24, Oklahoma Statewide, Supreme Court
Rule 1.301, Form No. 24 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) , Plaintiff/Appell_____, vs. , Defendant/Appell_____. No. REPORT OF SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE 1. Settlement conference date: __________________________________ 2. Settlement conference location: ______________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 3. Settlement conference length: _____ hours _____ minutes. 4. The case was (circle one letter); a. settled in full; b. not settled; c. settled in part (circle appropriate number): (l) parties reached agreement on one or more issues or claims; (2) case settled as to some parties, but not all parties. 5. Conference was held with (circle one letter): a. all participants present in person; b. by advance permission of conference judge, one or more participants present by telephone; all others present in person; c. Other: _________________________________________________ 6. Total number of participants (excluding conference judge): _____ 7. TYPE OF CASE: (Circle one classification that most nearly fits): a. Contract b. Domestic Relations c. Employment/Labor d. Environment e. Insurance f. Landlord/Tenant g. Personal Injury (specify type) _____ Auto _____ Medical Malpractice _____ Premises _____ Products _____ Other (specify) American LegalNet, Inc. _____________________________________ h. Personal Property i. Real Property j. Securities k. UCC l. Other (specify) ____________________________________ 8. DAMAGES SOUGHT: (circle letter of appropriate classification) a. Money damages not an issue b. Small claims (up to $2,500) c. More than $2,500, but not more than $10,000 d. More than $10,000 and (circle appropriate number): (l) not more than $25,000 (2) not more than $50,000 (3) not more than $100,000 (4) not more than $500,000 (5) not more than $l million (6) more than $l million 9. If the case did NOT settle, the primary reason(s) probably were (circle applicable letter[s]): a. Issues/facts too complex b. Issue(s) of great public importance c. Question of law d. Matter of principle e. Emotional issues f. Other (specify): _________________________________________________________ 10. Comments: _________________________________ SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE JUDGE ___________________________ DATE (Send original to Court Clerk) American LegalNet, Inc.