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Notice Of Restitution Non Compliance Form. This is a Oregon form and can be use in Jackson Local County.
Tags: Notice Of Restitution Non Compliance, Oregon Local County, Jackson
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR JACKSON COUNTY CASE NUMBER: ____________________ NOTICE OF RESTITUTION NON COMPLIANCE TO: ____________________________________________________________ (Tenant(s) Name) ________________________________________________________________________ Address of Premises City, State Zip In the eviction case of _____________________________ vs __________________________ , the Circuit Court for Jackson County ordered that you and your landlord made a court-approved agreement allowing you to stay in the property. Your landlord claims that you have not kept that agreement. (A copy of the landlord's claim is attached.) Unless you can prove to the court why you should not have to move out, you must move by the DEADLINE TO VACATE listed below. If you do not, the landlord can have the Sheriff physically remove you. If you believe that you have kept the agreement or that you have a legal reason for not keeping the agreement, you are entitled to a court hearing. Legal reasons are listed in ORS 105.148 and 105.149. They include the landlord interfering with your effort to keep the agreement and your complying with a modification of the agreement made by you and your landlord. To request a hearing, you must go to the court and complete a form explaining why you believe that you have kept (or should not be required to keep) the agreement. You have to do this before 4:00 p.m. on the DEADLINE TO VACATE below. The Sheriff will not physically remove you from the property before the hearing. If the judge rules against you at the hearing, the landlord can have the Sheriff physically remove you 24 hours later. DEADLINE TO VACATE YOU ARE ORDERED TO VACATE THE PREMISES NO LATER THAN 11:59 P.M., _____________________, _____. IF YOU DO NOT VACATE THE PREMISES AND MOVE (Date completed by process server) YOUR PERSONAL PROPERTY BY THAT TIME, THE SHERIFF WILL PHYSICALLY REMOVE YOU, AND YOUR PROPERTY LEFT ON THE PREMISES WILL BE STORED OR DISPOSED OF AS PROVIDED BY LAW. CONTACT THE PLAINTIFF-LANDLORD FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. TRIAL COURT ADMINISTRATOR DATED: ________________ ____________________________ Court Clerk Served/Posted at ________ .M., ____________________________, ______. I certify that I mailed or caused to be mailed a true copy of this Notice of Restitution to the tenants at the address above. by____________________________ Signature Public FED Notice Restitution Noncompliance ______________________________ Printed name Page 1 of 1 American LegalNet, Inc. 10/24/2016 OJIN Code: NORI