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FED 226 Summons Page 1 of 2 (Aug 2019) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF Case No: Plaintiff (Landlord or Agent) v. RESIDENTIAL EVICTION SUMMONS Defendant (Tenant or Occupant) TO: Street Address of Property Occupied by Defendant City State ZIP Mailing Address (if different) NOTICE TO TENANTS: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! YOUR LANDLORD WANTS TO EVICT YOU ON AT A.M./P.M., you must come to court at the location below. You do not have to pay any fees to the court for this first hearing. If you do not appear in court and your landlord does, your landlord will win automatically and can have the sheriff physically remove you from the property. If you do appear in court and your landlord does not, the court will dismiss this case. If both of you appear in court: The judge may ask you to try to reach an agreement with your landlord, but this is voluntary. Trained mediators may be available for free to help you resolve disputes. If you and your landlord do not reach an agreement, the court will schedule a trial. If you are a veteran, help may be available from a county veterans222 service officer or community action agency. Contact information is included below. IF YOU WANT A TRIAL, YOU MUST: Be in court at the time scheduled above. Allow time to get through security; On the same day, file an Answer with the court giving a legal reason why you should not be evicted. The court can give you a form; Give a copy of the Answer to your landlord (or your landlord222s agent or lawyer); and Pay a filing fee. The judge may defer payment if you are low-income. Go to to see what the filing fee will be. American LegalNet, Inc. FED 226 Summons Page 2 of 2 (Aug 2019) GO TO THIS LOCATION: IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, YOU SHOULD SEE A LAWYER IMMEDIATELY. If you need help finding a lawyer, call the Oregon State Bar222s Lawyer Referral Service at 503.684.3763 or toll-free in Oregon at 800.452.7636 or go to . Veterans (and others) can call 2-1-1 for information and resources including veteran222s services and community action agencies. Signature of Plaintiff (landlord or agent) Dated Name of Plaintiff (printed) Address of Plaintiff Phone Number (To be completed by Plaintiff) Contact information for: County veteran222s service officer for the county where Defendant lives Phone: Community action agency for the area where Defendant lives Phone: American LegalNet, Inc.