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Renunciation Form. This is a Pennsylvania form and can be use in Bucks Local County.
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Tags: Renunciation, RW 6, Pennsylvania Local County, Bucks
Barbara G. Reilly
Register of Wills of Bucks County, Pennsylvania
In re: Estate of
, deceased
File No.:__________________
_______________________________________________________, in my
capacity/relationship as _________________________ of the above decedent, hereby renounce the right to administer
the Estate of the decedent and respectfully request that Letters be issued to:
_____________________________________________________________ if appropriate.
(Street Address)
(City, State, Zip)
Executed in Register’s Office
Executed out of Register’s Office
Sworn to or affirmed and subscribed before
me this
day of
Before the undersigned personally appeared the party
executing this Renunciation and certified that he or she
executed the Renunciation for the purposes stated within
day of
, 20
on this
for Register of Wills
Notary Public
My Commission Expires:
(Signature and Seal of Notary Public or other official qualified to
administer oaths. Show date of expiration of Notary’s Commission.)
RW 6 (Rev 3/10)
American LegalNet, Inc.