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R.I. Local Form 1015-1.1 UNITED STATES BANKRUTPCY COURT DISTRICT OF RHODE ISLAND In Re: BK Lead Case No. Chapter Debtor(s) Jointly Administered with: Case No. __ Affects All Debtors __ Affects __Affects NOTICE OF JOINT ADMINISTRATION OF CASES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR FILING DOCUMENTS TO: THE U.S. TRUSTEE AND ALL PARTIES IN THESE JOINTLY ADMINISTERED CASES: An order was entered on _____________ granting a motion to approve joint administration of cases pursuant to FRPB 1015 and LBR 1015-1, under the lead case indicated in the caption of this notice. 1) Required Caption on Documents � All documents filed must contain a caption in substantially the same format and content as the caption of this notice. 2) Debtors Affected by a Filed Document � All documents filed must indicate, by checking appropriate boxes, the debtor or debtors affected by the filed document. 3) Filing Documents on Main Case Docket � Unless indicated below in paragraph 4, all documents must be filed on the docket of the lead case indicated on the caption of this notice. 4) Filing Proof of Claims on Docket of Individual Case � Notwithstanding joint administration of these cases, creditors must file their respective proof s of claim as to the specific affected and applicable debtor using the case number and claim register for the specified affected and applicable debtor. 5) Parties to File a Notice of Appearance in Lead Case � To facilitate notice and service of documents via Notice of Electronic Filing, all parties who previously electronically filed documents only in cases other than the lead case must promptly file in the lead case a Request for Notice. 6) Other: Signature: Date: American LegalNet, Inc.