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Information Request Form. This is a Rhode Island form and can be use in UCC Secretary Of State.
Tags: Information Request, UCC11, Rhode Island Secretary Of State, UCC
State of Rhode Island and Providence PlantationsDepartment of State - Business Services Division148 W. River Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02904-2615Phone: (401) 222-3040 | Email: | Website: : Public Counter: Monday 226 Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM 226 24/7 Information Requests:over the Telephone; only general information will be available. UCC11 communicated in writing. : Filings must be communicated in writing and will not be accepted unless Rhode Island Department of State. We accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express for all over-the-counter and online transactions. A small enhanced access fee is charged for all credit card transactions. See our website for more information on enhanced access fees. Refunds: Refunds will be issued for duplicate payments and rejected documents not Refunds will not be issued for valid transactions and overpayments in the amount of $10 or less. Enhanced access fees are not refundable. To request a here. :provide a state form for UCC11 Information Requests. Please carefully read all :MUST provide a valid email address. daily. : of any recorded UCC, follow these steps:225 � Go to our UCC Database 225 � To search for a UCC1 226 you must search by debtor name225 � 225 � 225 � : You may also use our Rejected Filing Viewer to view the rejected document.225 � To search for a UCC1 226 you must search by debtor name225 � UCC Filing Information - Revised: 11/2017 American LegalNet, Inc. INFORMATION REQUESTFOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY Record Number Date Record Filed (if required) Type of Record and Additional Identifying Information (if required) 1.DEBTOR NAME to be searched - insert only one debtor name (1a or 1b) - do no abbreviate or combine names 2.INFORMATION OPTIONSRELATING TO UCC FILINGS & OTHER NOTICES ON FILE IN FILING OFFICE THATINCLUDE AS ADEBTOR NAME THE NAME IDENTIFIED IN ITEM 1: A. NAME & PHONE OF CONTACT[Optional]FILING OFFICE ACCT#B. RETURN TO: [Name and Address] THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY1a. ORGANIZATION325S NAME1b. INDIVIDUAL325S SURNAMEINDIVIDUAL325S S FIRSTPERSONALNAMEINDIVIDUAL325S ADDITIONALNAME(S)/INITIAL(S)SUFFIXOR 2a. SEARCHRESPONSE: 3. ADDITIONALSERVICES 4.DELIVERYINSTRUCTIONS(request will be filled by mail sent to address shown in item B unless otherwise instructed here):4a.Pick Up4b.OtherSpecify desired method here (if available from this office); provide delivery information (e.g., delivery service325s name, addressee's account# with delivery service, addressee's phone#, etc.) FILING OFFICE COPY321RHODE ISLAND INFORMATION REQUEST(FORM UCC11) (REV. 02/20/) Select onebox only: INFORMATION REQUESTRESPONSE WITHOUTCOPIES OF ALLREPORTED RECORDS.ALL(includes all active and lapsed filings that are more than one year past lapse date)ACTIVE (includes all active and lapsed filings within one year of lapse date) 2c. SPECIFIED COPIES ONLY321 $5 for each record number requested.2b. COPYREQUEST: Select onebox only: INFORMATION REQUESTRESPONSE WITH COPIES OF ALLREPORTED RECORDS.ALL(includes all active and lapsed filings that are more than one year past lapse date)ACTIVE (includes all active and lapsed filings within one year of lapse date) American LegalNet, Inc. Instructions for RHODE ISLAND Information request (Form UCC11)Please type or laser-print this form. Be sure it is completely legible. Read and follow all Instructions, especially Instruction 1; use of the correctname for the Debtor is crucial.Fill in form very carefully; mistakes may have important legal consequences. If you have questions, consult your attorney. Filing office cannotgive legal advice. Do not insert anything in the open space in the upper portion of this form; it is reserved for filing office use.When properly completed, send form with required fee, to filing office.Filing office may offer additional information options. Contact filing office or use form specially designed by filing office to obtain additionalinformation options.A.To assist filing officers that might wish to communicate with requestor, requestor may provide information in item A. This item is optional.B.Enter name and address of requestor in item B. This item is NOToptional.1.Debtor name: Enter only one Debtor name in item 1, an organization325s name (1a) or an individual325s name 1(b). Enter Debtor325s exact fulllegal name. Don325t abbreviate.1a.Organization Debtor Name . 322Organization Name323 means the name of an entity that is not a natural person. Asole proprietorship is not anorganization, even if the individual proprietor does business under a trade name. If Debtor is a registered organization (e.g., corporation,limited partnership, limited liability company), it is advisable to examine Debtor325s current filed public organic records to determine Debtor'scorrect name. Trade name is insufficient. If a corporate ending (e.g., corporation, limited partnership, limited liability company) is part of theDebtor325s name, it must be included. Do not use words that are not part of the Debtor325s name.1b.Individual Debtor Name. 322Individual Name323 means the name of a natural person; this includes the name of an individual doing business asa sole proprietorship, whether or not operating under a trade name. The term includes the name of a decedent where collateral is beingadministered by a personal representative of the decedent. The term does not include the name of an entity, even if it contains, as part ofthe entity325s name, the name of an individual. Prefixes (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Ms.) and titles (e.g., M.D.) are generally not part of an individualname. Indications of lineage (e.g., Jr., Sr., III) generally are not part of the individual325s name, but may be entered in the Suffix box. Enterindividual Debtor325s surname (family name) in Individual325s Surname box, first personal name in First Personal Name box, and all additionalnames in Additional Name(s)/Initial(s) box.If a Debtor325s name consists of only a single word, enter that word in Individual325s Surname box and leave other boxes blank.For both organization and individual Debtors: Don325t use Debtor325s trade name, DBA, AKA, FKA, Division name, etc. in place of or combinedwith Debtor325s legal name; you may add such other names as additional Debtors if you wish (but this is neither required nor recommended).2.Information Options. Information options relating to UCC filings and other notices on file in the filing office that include as a Debtor name the name identified in Item 1. Check the box in 2a or 2b to indicate if the search request is ordered with or without copies of allreported records. 2a. Check the appropriate box in item 2a; the box 322ALL323 if you are requesting a search of all active records, including lapsed filings, or the box322ACTIVE323 if you are requesting a search of all active and lapsed filings within one year of the lapse date.2b. Check the appropriate box in item 2a; the box 322ALL323 if you are requesting a search of all active records, including lapsed filings, or the box322ACTIVE323 if you are requesting a search of all active and lapsed filings within one year of the lapse date.2c.Complete item 2c if you are ordering copies of specific records by record number.3.Some filing offices offer service options in addition to those offered in item 2. These may be shown on the face of this form or mayotherwise be publicized by the particular filing office. Caution: If any of these additional service options introduces a search criterion (e.g.,limiting search to named Debtor at an address in a specified city and state) that narrows the scope of the search. This may result in anincomplete search (that fails to list all filings against the named Debtor) and you may fail to learn information that might be of value to you.4.Delivery Instructions: Unless otherwise instructed, filing office will mail information to the name and address in item B. If information will bepicked up from the filing office, check the 322Pick Up323 box. Contact filing office concerning availability of fax service or other delivery options.For other than mail, pick up, or FAX, check