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No. __________________ The State of Texas In the ______________ Courtv. of ________________________, Defendant ____________ County, Texas TRIAL COURTS CERTIFICATION OF DEFENDANTS RIGHT OF APPEAL* I, judge of the trial court, certify this criminal case: G is not a plea-bargain case, and the defendant has the right of appeal. [or] G is a plea-bargain case, but matters were raised by written motion filed and ruled on before trial and not withdrawn or waived, and the defendant has the right of appeal. [or] G is a plea-bargain case, but the trial court has given permission to appeal, and the defendant has the right of appeal. [or] G is a plea-bargain case, and the defendant has NO right of appeal. [or] G the defendant has waived the right of appeal. _________________________________ _________________________________Judge Date Signed I have received a copy of this certification: _________________________________ _______________________________________Defendant (if not represented by counsel) Defendants Counsel Mailing address: State Bar of Texas identification number:Telephone number: Mailing address: Fax number (if any): Telephone number: Fax number (if any): *A defendant in a criminal case has the right of appeal under these rules. The trial court shall enter a certification of the defendantsright to appeal in every case in which it enters a judgment of guilt or other appealable order. In a plea bargain case that is, a casein which a defendants plea was guilty or nolo contendere and the punishment did not exceed the punishment recommended by theprosecutor and agreed to by the defendant a defendant may appeal only: (A) those matters that were raised by written motion filedand ruled on before trial, or (B) after getting the trial courts permission to appeal. Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 25.2(a)(2).