Exemplification Certificate
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Exemplification Certificate Form. This is a Texas form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Exemplification Certificate, BTXN 014, Texas Federal, Bankruptcy Court
BTXN014 (rev. /) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS In Re: 247 247Case No:247 247 Debtor(s)247 247 247 247 Plaintiff(s)247AdversaryNo:247247 247 Defendant(s)247 247 EXEMPLIFICATION CERTIFICATE Pursuant to 28 USC 2471963, registration of judgments for enforcement in other districts. I, , Clerk of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Texas and keeper of the records and seal of the Court, certify that the documents attached are true copies of, now remaining among the records of the Court. In testimony of this statement, I sign my name, and affix the seal of this Court at , in the State of Texas, this . [Seal of Court] I, , U.S. Bankruptcy Judge for the Northern District of Texas, certify that is and was at the date of the above certificate, Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court for this district, duly appointed and sworn, and keeper of the records and seal of the Court, and that the above certificate of the Clerk and the Clerk222s attestation is in due form of law. Date: I, , Clerk of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Texas and keeper of the seal of the Court, certify that the Honorable is and was on the date of the above certificate a judge of this Court, duly appointed and sworn; and that I am well acquainted with this handwriting and official signature and know and certify the signature written above to be that of the judge. In testimony of this statement, I sign my name, and affix the seal of the Court at in the State of Texas, this . [Seal of Court] American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com