Request For Copies Of Court Files Or Records
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Request For Copies Of Court Files Or Records Form. This is a Texas form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Request For Copies Of Court Files Or Records, BTXN 085, Texas Federal, Bankruptcy Court
BTXN 085 (rev. 3/11) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS REQUEST FOR COPIES Pursuant to the current fee schedule adopted by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, the Clerk=s Office charges $.50 per page for copies. Date Requested: _______________________ Case/Adversary No.: ___________________ * Must provide a self-addressed postage paid envelope . Copies to be: ____ Picked Up ____ Mailed* Certified Copies Required?: Yes No Debtor(s) Name/Adversary Heading: ____________________________________________________________________ $ Case or Adversary Documents Document #=s: ______________________________________ Exhibits (list Document #'s): ___________________________ $ Docket Sheet Entire docket sheet Partial docket sheet (Beginning date: __________Ending date: _________) $ Claims Register Entire claims register Partial claims register (Beginning claim #: __________ Requested By: Name: _____________________________ Phone No.: ______________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________ State/Zip: _______________________ No. of pages x $0.50 per page: .........................................................................$ _______________ Total amount due ............................................................................................$ _______________ Make checks/money orders payable to AClerk, U.S. Bankruptcy Court.@ Debtors= checks not accepted. Checks/money orders must be written for the exact amount due. Ending claim #: __________) American LegalNet, Inc.