Chapter 13 Agreed Order Conditioning Automatic Stay (Home) (Houston)
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Chapter 13 Agreed Order Conditioning Automatic Stay (Home) (Houston) Form. This is a Texas form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Chapter 13 Agreed Order Conditioning Automatic Stay (Home) (Houston), O-405, Texas Federal, Bankruptcy Court
Form O-405 (For Use When Debtor Has Previously Made Direct Payments on Mortgage) 2. By signing below, the Debtor(s) represent to the Court that the Debtor(s): A. If they are a salaried or wage employee, are currently operating under a wage order or have submitted all information to the chapter 13 trustee for the presentation of a wage order to the Court. B. If they are not a salaried or wage employee, are currently operating under an automated clearinghouse order or have submitted all information to the chapter 13 trustee for the presentation of an automated clearinghouse order to the Court or enrolled in the trustee222s electronic funds transfer program. American LegalNet, Inc. Form O-405 (For Use When Debtor Has Previously Made Direct Payments on Mortgage) American LegalNet, Inc. Form O-405 (For Use When Debtor Has Previously Made Direct Payments on Mortgage) American LegalNet, Inc.