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Creditor Registration Form For Electronic Filing Form. This is a Texas form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Creditor Registration Form For Electronic Filing, Texas Federal, Bankruptcy Court
United States Bankruptcy Court Southern District of Texas
Creditor Registration Form for Electronic Filing
Please complete this form to open an account on the Court’s Bankruptcy electronic case filing
(ECF) system.
If you have already participated in an instructional ECF course or have an ECF password in
another district, indicate the district and the date in the space provided.
First/Middle/Last Name:________________________________________________________
Company or Agency for which you are
authorized to sign or file bankruptcy claims:________________________________________
Street and Suite:____________________________________________________________________
City State Zip:_______________________________________________________________________
By submitting this form, I agree to abide by these rules:
I will maintain familiarity with the technical and procedural requirements as they
are adopted by the court.
Use of my login and password constitutes my signature on documents filed
electronically for purposes the Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9011.
I am responsible for all use of my login and password, authorized or not.
By registering, I consent to electronic service of documents and notices through
the Court’s Electonic Filing System and waive service by other means.
I agree to electronically file bankruptcy claims and/or transfers/
assignment claims only.
Applicant’s Signature___________________________________________________________
Please return to:
Electronic Registration
United States Bankruptcy Court
P.O. Box 61010
Houston, TX 77208-1010
American LegalNet, Inc.
By submitting this form, I agree to abide by these rules:
I will maintain familiarity with the technical and procedural requirements as they
are adopted by the court.
Use of my login and password constitutes my signature on documents filed
electronically for purposes the Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9011.
I am responsible for all use of my login and password, authorized or not.
By registering, I consent to electronic service of documents and notices through
the Court’s Electonic Filing System and waive service by other means.
I agree to electronically file bankruptcy claims and transfers or claims only.
American LegalNet, Inc.